ed. Peter Lacovara
Helene J. Kantor (July 15, 1919-January 13, 1993) was one of the last of the great generalists of the ancient world. This volume celebrates her scholarship with articles covering her wide-ranging interests with important studies on ancient Egypt, the Aegean, Iran and Classical civilization. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00
ed. L. Dogaer et al.
Collecting 22 selected papers from the twenty-third Current Research in Egyptology conference, topics include language and literature, archaeology and material culture, society and religion, archival research, intercultural relations, reports on archaeological excavations and methodological issues, regarding all periods of Ancient Egypt. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.
A varied collection of scientific works on cultural phenomena and historical issues concerning North Africa as a whole, with special interest in Africa Proconsularis, this book contains diverse themes and methodologies that are indicative of the multidisciplinary orientation that brought together the Spanish-Tunisian collaborators. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00
James A. Harrell
This book seeks to identify and describe all the rocks and minerals employed by the ancient Egyptians using proper geological nomenclature, and to give an account of their sources in so far as they are known. The various uses of the stones are described, as well as the technologies employed to extract, transport, carve, and thermally treat them. READ MORE
Paperback: £125.00 | eBook: £16.00
Eleonora Voltan
An in-depth analysis of Roman paintings with a Nilotic theme, the study first introduces the classical texts on Egypt and provides an overview of landscape depiction in Roman art. An iconographic-archaeological catalogue of the 74 paintings is presented, followed by an analysis of the archaeological contexts in which these paintings are found. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access
Elena Luise Hertel
‘Breaking the dšr.t-vessels’ was a funerary rite that involved the intentional damaging of a certain type of ceramic vessel. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the rite through a re-evaluation of the primary sources and previous research and to provide the first study devoted entirely to the rite. READ MORE
Paperback: £28.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Alexandre Loktionov
How did the Ancient Egyptians maintain control of their state? Topics include the controlling function of temples and theology, state borders, scribal administration, visual representation, patronage, and the Egyptian language itself, with reference to all periods of Egyptian history, from the Old Kingdom to Coptic times. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access
ed. Abraham I. Fernández Pichel
New media and its enormous diffusion in the last decades of the 20th century and up to the present has greatly increased and diversified the reception of Egyptian themes and motifs and Egyptian influence in various cultural spheres. This book seeks to provide new evidence of this interdisciplinarity between Egyptology and popular culture. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access
ed. Judith Weingarten et al.
Robert Koehl has long considered processions to have played an integral role in Aegean Bronze Age societies. Papers concentrate mainly on evidence from Crete, the Cyclades and the Greek mainland, with additional perspectives from abroad, these geographic divisions forming the basic outline of this volume. READ MORE
Paperback: £59.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. A. Bouhafs et al.
The present volume collects thirty-two papers on various topics from the history of Egyptology to archaeology and material culture, from the Predynastic to the Roman period, through history and epigraphy, as well as new technologies. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
Barbara O’Neill
Art as Ritual Engagement is examined through a case study of feminised funerary representation in the repertoire of Watetkhethor, an elite woman interred in the mastaba tomb of her spouse, Mereruka, at Saqqara, c.2345-2181 BCE. READ MORE
Paperback: £22.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Beatriz Noria-Serrano
Papers in this volume aim to reevaluate the importance of women as active and powerful social agents in the definition of ancient cultures, their contribution to the economic and social development of the community and to the position, reputation, and prestige of their families. READ MORE
Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
Elena Tiribilli
This is the first monograph devoted to a comprehensive study of the Western Harpoon province – the seventh nome of Lower Egypt – located in the north-western Delta. The book and aims to reconstruct its history and religious geography through textual sources, from its origins to the end of the Roman era. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
Iria Souto Castro
This study has three main themes: the definition of personal religion and religious domestic practices from a theoretical perspective; the description and analysis of the main archaeological and anthropological evidence; and, on that basis, the study of the impact of the Amarna period in the development of personal religion during the New Kingdom. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
Sofia Aziz
This volume provides a medical and historical re-evaluation of the function and importance of the human brain in ancient Egypt. The study evaluates whether treatment of the brain during anthropogenic mummification was linked to medical concepts of the brain. READ MORE
Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £9.99
David Kennedy
This volume follows Rev. Thomas Bowles on his travels from Sri Lanka to Egypt and the Levant. His travel journals record the places seen and the often harsh travel conditions. Bowles' notes are amplified by chapters offering additional context and biographies for the broad cross-section of fascinating people encountered along the way.
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Juliet V. Spedding
Using modern scientific methods, this book examines glass beads and vessel fragments dating from the Meroitic and Early Nobadia periods, providing a new assessment of glass from Nubia. Results reveal interrelationships between trade, technological understanding, and manufacturing choices across the cultures of Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ilaria Incordino
This 2nd volume presents, documents and analyses a new selection of ceramics from the Egyptian site of Manqabad (Asyut). It aims to present the most significant ceramic typologies from Manqabad, while collecting as many references and parallels as possible deriving from several different monastic sites in Egypt. READ MORE
Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Electra Apostola et al.
15 Egyptological and Papyrological papers investigate a great variety of issues, including social and religious aspects of life in ancient Egypt, ritual and magic, language and literature, ideology of death, demonology, the iconographical tradition, and intercultural relations, ranging chronologically from the Prehistoric to the Coptic period. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Ayman Wahby et al.
This volume comprises the proceedings of two conferences organised by the Delta Survey Project held in Alexandria in 2017 and Mansoura in 2019. The papers contain the results of the latest fieldwork from the Nile Delta and Sinai.
READ MOREPaperback: £56.00 | Open Access
Amani Hussein Ali Attia
This volume presents a study of the tomb of Kha-em-hat TT 57 at Qurna, West Luxor, which dates back to the 18th Dynasty – the reign of King Amenhotep III. It is considered one of the most important Egyptian tomb discoveries, containing rare scenes and revealing development of the religious rituals of the time. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ahmed M. Bassioni
This study discusses the evolution of the Corinthian capital in Antiquity and how this centred around Alexandria rather than Mainland Greece. It tackles the rise of the Corinthian capital in Classical Greece and its adaptation on in Hellenistic Alexandria. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
Katherine Slinger
Tomb Families investigates the apparently random distribution of New Kingdom private tombs in the Theban Necropolis by focusing on factors that may have influenced tomb location. This research provides a deeper understanding of the necropolis and how private tombs linked to the wider sacred landscape of Thebes. READ MORE
Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00
Benjamin Toro
This study of the evolutionary process of ancient civilisations stresses the complementarity between theoretical principles and the relevant historical and archaeological evidence. Taking its approach from World Systems Theory, it focuses on the origin, development and collapse of the first, ‘Near Eastern’, stage of the ‘Central Civilisation’. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
Steven R.W. Gregory
Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods offers a new interpretation of the terms Dt and nHH as fundamental concepts of Pharaonic ideology, terms that, until now, have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time.
READ MOREPaperback: £30.00 | Open Access
Amr Abdo
Alexandria Antiqua aims to catalogue the archaeological sites of Alexandria, from the records of the French Expedition (1798-99) to the present day, and to infer the urban layout and cityscape at the time of its foundation (4th century BC), and then through the successive changes which took place up to the Arab conquest (7th century AD). READ MORE
Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00
Angelo Colonna
This study presents an articulated historical interpretation of Egyptian ‘animal worship’ from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom, and offers a new understanding of its chronological development through a fresh review of pertinent archaeological and textual data. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
Nikola D. Bellucci
This volume presents a synthesis of research on Egyptian and Egyptianizing material from Pompeii. Starting from the historical context in which to frame these phenomena and proceeding with a review of terminology, the work provides the first up-to-date corpus of Egyptian and Egyptianizing subjects and finds from the famous archaeological site. READ MORE
Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
David J. Breeze et al.
The Roman military remains of Egypt are remarkable in their variety and state of preservation: forts, quarries whose materials were used in the monumental buildings of Rome, roads which brought the Mediterranean into contact with the Indian Ocean; each reader of this book will enjoy learning more about the remarkable Roman inheritance of Egypt. READ MORE
Paperback: £14.99 | Open Access
ed. Rosa Dinarès Solà et al.
This volume presents the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt (Barcelona, October 2018) showcasing the most recent pharmaceutical and medical studies on human remains and organic and plant material from ancient Egypt, together with discussions on textual and iconographical evidence. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
Susan Thorpe
This book considers a selection of letters from the Old Kingdom up to and including the Twenty-first Dynasty. Under the topic headings of 'problems and issues', 'daily life', 'religious matters', 'military and police matters', it demonstrates the insight such texts can provide regarding aspects of belief, relationships, custom and behaviour. READ MORE
Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Marta Arranz Cárcamo et al.
Presents proceedings from the 20th meeting of the prestigious international student Egyptology conference, held at the University of Alcalá, 2019. 15 papers address a wide range of topics including all periods of ancient Egyptian History and different aspects of its material culture, archaeology, history, society, religion and language. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Leo Roeten
Doors are more than a physical means to close off an entrance or an exit; they can also indicate a boundary between two worlds. This volume considers the Memphite Necropoleis during the Old Kingdom, and proposes that porticos, false doors, niches and mastaba chapel entrances are interconnected in their function as a barrier between two worlds. READ MORE
Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00
Martin Odler et al.
The Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig has the largest university collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts in Germany. This volume presents an analysis of 86 of these artefacts using a range of archaeometallurgical methods in order to provide a diachronic sample of Bronze Age Egyptian copper alloy metalwork from Dynasty 1 to Dynasty 19. READ MORE
Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Paul Starkey et al.
This volume comprises a varied collection of seventeen papers presented at the biennial conference of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE) held in York in July 2019, which together will provide the reader with a fascinating introduction to travel in and to the Middle East over more than a thousand years. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ahmed F. Kzzo et al.
This edition provides the first Italian translation of ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī's fascinating account of Egypt in the 12th-13th centuries. The translation is accompanied by a full transcription of the original Arabic manuscript as well as essential and insightful commentary and analysis. READ MORE
Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Alicia Maravelia et al.
Proceedings of a conference held in Athens in 2017, this volume presents 34 fresh and original papers (plus 2 abstracts) on ancient Egyptian religion, environment and the cosmos. Papers connect many interdisciplinary approaches including Egyptology, archaeology, archaeoastronomy, geography, botany, zoology, ornithology, theology and history. READ MORE
Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Mladen Tomorad
The 12th Egypt and Austria conference (Zagreb, September 2018) saw 39 presentations on current research related to the interactions between Egypt and the states of the former Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire up to the middle of the 20th century. 26 papers are presented in this proceedings volume. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
Nikola D. Bellucci et al.
Providing synthesis and new prospects of investigation, this book offers an overall review of the various information obtainable from papyrological and epigraphic sources from the Roman province of Egypt at the moment of transition from the Julio-Claudian dynasty to the new Flavian dynasty. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
David N. Edwards et al.
This volume, focusing on pharaonic sites, is the first of a series, bringing to publication the records of the Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia (ASSN). These records represent a major body of data relating to a region largely now lost to flooding and of considerable importance for understanding the archaeology and history of Nubia. READ MORE
Hardback: £75.00 | Open Access
Joanne-Marie Robinson
This volume presents, for the first time, evidence for non-royal consanguineous marriage in ancient Egypt. The evidence was collated from select sources from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period, and it has been used to investigate the potential economic and biological outcomes, particularly beyond the level of sibling and half-sibling unions. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
David Ian Lightbody
This study suggests the development of the cartouche was closely related to the monumental encircling symbolism incorporated into the architectural designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids. By employing a new architectural style and a new iconographic symbol, the pharaoh sought to elevate his status above that of the members of his powerful court. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Masashi Fukaya
This volume compares the religious and social functions of the Ancient Egyptian festivals of Opet, the Valley, and the New Year. Until now, detailed study of the New Year Festival has only been carried out with reference to the Greco-Roman period; this study turns its attention to the New Kingdom. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Janet Levy
This volume documents and evaluates the changing role of fibre crafts and their evolving techniques of manufacture and also their ever-increasing wider application in the lives of the inhabitants of the earliest villages of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £52.00 | eBook: £16.00
Paola Buzi et al.
This book summarises the results of field research—including historical, historico-religious and papyrological studies—conducted on the archaeological site of Bakchias, located in the north-eastern part of the Fayyūm region. The book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the rise and fall of the kome of Bakchias. READ MORE
Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ilaria Rossetti
During the Ptolemaic period, Egyptian temples were divided into three ranks: first, second and third class. This volume examines the rules according to which Egyptian sacred buildings were classified and how the different classes of temples were planned and arranged. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Joanne Backhouse
This work examines images of women and children drawn on ostraca from Deir el-Medina, referred to in previous scholarship as ‘Scènes de Gynécées’. This publication represents the first systematic study of this material, and it brings together ostraca from museums worldwide to form a corpus united contextually, thematically and stylistically. READ MORE
Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ilaria Incordino
This book presents a catalogue of selected pottery from the monastic site of Manqabad (Asyut, Egypt) as part of of an ongoing study and conservation project at the University of Naples. The typologies identified include the most relevant Byzantine classes and a particular link with production from the Middle Egypt region. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access
Michele Asolati et al.
This volume presents over 1070 coins (ca. 310 BC–AD 641) and 1320 examples of Late Roman and Early Islamic pottery. Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit emerge as centers of an exchange network involving large-scale trade of raw materials to and from the central and eastern Mediterranean. READ MORE
Hardback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
Mohamed Kenawi
This volume presents the results of the Italian archaeological mission at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, Beheira, Egypt between 2012 and 2016. It provides details of the survey and excavation results of the different occupation phases, which range from the Late Dynastic to the Early Islamic period. READ MORE
Hardback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Loretta Kilroe
The eight papers presented here stem from a conference held in Oxford in 2017 which brought together international early-career researchers applying novel archaeological and anthropological methods to ‘overlooked’ subjects in ancient Egypt and Nubia. The diverse topics covered include women, prisoners, entangled communities and funerary displays. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
ed. Mladen Tomorad
Elements from Ancient Egypt have been present in Croatia ever since Antiquity. 'Egypt in Croatia' considers artefacts discovered in present-day Croatia, 16th-20th century travellers, Egyptian collections and early collectors (1820s-1950s), the development of Egyptology as a field of study as well as the various elements of ‘Egyptomania’. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
Malcolm Levitt
Rooted in agriculture, sedentism and population growth, ancient states were fragile and prone to collapse. There is an ongoing debate about the importance, nature and even existence of state-wide collapse. This book investigates why ancient states collapsed and examines to what extent inequality contributed to their downfall. READ MORE
Paperback: £18.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Niki Evelpidou et al.
This book presents the geomorphology and recent geoarchaeological history of Alexandria which has been repeatedly struck by natural disasters. The Coastal area offers archaeological evidence (burial sites, quarry activities and ancient building remnants), as well as geomorphological features, all revealing a complex evolution of the coastal zone. READ MORE
Hardback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00
Glennise West
Attested from the Fifth Dynasty until, and including, the Saite Period, the Tekenu is a puzzling icon depicted within funerary scenes in the tombs of some ancient Egyptian nobles. In this work four distinct types of Tekenu are identified and classified and then a Corpus Catalogue is formed. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Neil Cooke
Early travellers in Egypt and the Near East made great contributions to our historical and geographical knowledge and gave us a better understanding of the different peoples, languages and religions of the region. Travellers in this volume are a mixture of rich and poor, bravely adventuring into the unknown, not knowing if would ever return home. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Marie Peterková Hlouchová et al.
Current Research in Egyptology 2018 is a collection of papers and posters presented at the nineteenth symposium of the prestigious international student conference, held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague on 25th–28th June 2018. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
ed. Grazyna Bakowska-Czerner et al.
Papers present research from different regions ranging from ancient Mauritania, through Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, as well as sites in Crimea and Georgia. Topics include: topography, architecture, interiors and décor, religious syncretism, the importance of ancient texts, pottery studies and conservation. READ MORE
Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00
Stefano Anastasio et al.
This volume presents the 1930s archaeological photo-albums of John Alfred Spranger (1889-1968). Spranger combined photography skills with true expertise in archaeology and topography. His photos make it possible to understand, after almost a century, how many Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Etruscan sites appeared at the time of their first excavations. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
Andrea Squitieri et al.
This book focusses on ground stone tools, stone vessels, and devices carved into rock across the Near East and Egypt from prehistory to the later periods. The aim is to explore all aspects of these tools and stimulate a debate about new methodologies to approach this material. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Giorgos Vavouranakis et al.
This volume features a group of select peer-reviewed papers by an international group of authors, both younger and senior academics and researchers, on the frequently neglected popular cult and other ritual practices in prehistoric and ancient Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
Leo Roeten
The emergence of the cult of Osiris is generally posited to have occurred quite suddenly at the end of the 5th dynasty. This study considers evidence to suggest this appearance was preceded by a period of development of the theology and mythology of the cult. READ MORE
Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Maynart Érika et al.
Growing out of a colloquium organised in São Paulo in March 2016, here Nine papers approach the potential of materiality in Ancient Egypt based on several case studies covering a wide range of topics such as Egyptian art, recent perspectives on sex and gender, hierarchies, and the materiality of textual sources and images. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Birgit Schiller
An overview of the sites of Mycenaean pottery finds in Egypt and Nubia, this book analyses data from more than forty locations and presents a historical context for the vessels and sherds discovered. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Ines Asceric-Todd et al.
This splendidly illustrated book focuses on the botanical legacy of many parts of the former Ottoman Empire — including present-day Turkey, the Levant, Egypt, the Balkans, and the Arabian Peninsula — as seen and described by travellers both from within and from outside the region. READ MORE
Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Ilaria Incordino et al.
Presents selected papers from the 18th Current Research in Egyptology meeting, held in Naples, 2017. Subjects discussed included Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt, Nubian Studies, Language/Texts, Art/Architecture, Religion/Cult, Field Projects, Museums/Archives, Material Culture, Mummies/Coffins, Society, Technologies, Environment. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Sally Wallace-Jones et al.
The unique site of Mersa Gawasis was a base for seaborne trade along the Red Sea coast during the Middle Kingdom. This volume presents the site’s wide variety of ceramic material, offering also an interpretation of what pottery reveals about activities at the site. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Kathleen L. Sheppard
Letters between Caroline Ransom Williams, the first American university-trained female Egyptologist, and James Henry Breasted, the first American Egyptologist and founder of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, show that Ransom Williams had a full life and productive career as the first American female Egyptologist. READ MORE
Paperback: £24.00 | eBook: £16.00
Ryna Ordynat
The aim of this study is to examine Anthropomorphic objects from the Egyptian Predynastic in terms of their original context to determine what role they played in Predynastic burials. A database comprising all provenanced anthropomorphic Predynastic objects has been composed in order to conduct a detailed analysis. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
ed. Pål Steiner et al.
From the Fjords to the Nile' brings together essays by students and colleagues of Richard Holton Pierce (b. 1935), presented on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Topics focus on Egypt, the Near East and the wider ancient world. READ MORE
Paperback: £24.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Gloria Rosati et al.
Presents proceedings from the eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists which took place at the Florence Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio Firenze), Italy from 23- 30 August 2015. READ MORE
Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Neil Cooke et al.
Long distance travel and mass tourism are not recent phenomena. Papers from the 2015 ASTENE Conference in Exeter demonstrate that over the centuries many individuals and groups of people have left the safety of their family home and travelled huge distances both for adventure and to learn more about other peoples and places. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Mladen Tomorad et al.
This volume presents proceedings from the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists, Zagreb, Croatia 2015. READ MORE
Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Nadine Guilhou et al.
In this volume, a pleiade of Egyptologists, Archaeologists, Archaeoastronomers, Archaeoanthropologists, Historians and other scholars from fifteen countries have combined their efforts in order to honour Alicia Maravelia. READ MORE
Paperback: £56.00 | eBook: £16.00
Mykola Tarasenko
This book is a comprehensive study of the myth of the Egyptian deities mś.w Bdšt - ‘Children of Weakness’ - and the scene depicting the cat, cutting off the head of the serpent under the branches of the išd-tree found on a number of Book of the Dead chapter 17 vignettes. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
Youssri Ezzat Hussein Abdelwahed
This book examines different forms of ritual activities performed in houses of Graeco- Roman Egypt. It draws on the rich archaeological record of rural housing and evidence from literature or papyrological references to both urban and rural housing. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00
Martin Odler
This volume gathers the textual, iconographic and palaeographic evidence and examines artefacts in order to revise the common view on the use of copper alloy tools and model tools in the Old Kingdom. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Reg Clark
This book presents an in-depth analysis of the architecture of tomb security in Egypt from the Predynastic Period until the early Fourth Dynasty by extrapolating data on the security features of published tombs from the whole of Egypt and gathering it together for the first time in one accessible database. READ MORE
Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00