H 290 x W 205 mm
338 pages
171 figures, 13 tables
Published Apr 2020
Paperback: 9781789694482
Digital: 9781789694499
Ancient textiles; Mesopotamia; Levant; Nile Valley; Ancient Egypt
Related titles
By Janet Levy
Includes PDF
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This volume documents and evaluates the changing role of fibre crafts and their evolving techniques of manufacture and also their ever-increasing wider application in the lives of the inhabitants of the earliest villages of the Ancient Near East.
List of Figures ;
List of Tables ;
Abstract ;
Chapter 1: Objective, Methodology, Geography, History of Research ;
Chapter 2: The Natufian ;
Chapter 3: The Pre-pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) ;
Chapter 4: The Pre-pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) ;
Chapter 5: The Pottery Neolithic (PN) ;
Chapter 6: The Chalcolithic ;
Chapter 7: Discussion and conclusions ;
Bibliography ;
Appendix A: The Basics of Fibre Technologies ;
Appendix B: Experiments ;
Appendix C ;
Appendix D
'This is a book of evidence. Levy has the tenacity of a bulldog in pursuing and dragging in every possible form of evidence for a very elusive subject that has been central to human existence for many millennia.'