book cover

H 290 x W 205 mm

400 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jan 2017

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784915223

Digital: 9781784915230

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Festschrift; Presentation; Egyptology; Astroarchaeology; Archaeoanthropology; Egyptian religion; Medicinal Studies; Egyptian Mathematics; Egyptophilia; Egyptomania

Archaeopress Egyptology 17

Liber Amicorum–Speculum Siderum: Nūt Astrophoros

Papers Presented to Alicia Maravelia

Edited by Nadine Guilhou

Assisted by Antigoni Maniati

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In this volume, a pleiade of Egyptologists, Archaeologists, Archaeoastronomers, Archaeoanthropologists, Historians and other scholars from fifteen countries have combined their efforts in order to honour Alicia Maravelia.



PART I: NUT AND THE REALM OF STARS: Niels BILLING: The Dialogue of Geb and Nut in Relation to the Royal Sarcophagus in the Pyramid of King Pepy I; Nadine GUILHOU: Le Soleil dans les Bras de Nut dans les Tombes Thébaines; Mykola TARASENKO: The «Children of Nut» and their Rebellion in Chapter 175A of the Book of the Dead; Bernard ARQUIER: L’Astérisme du Bélier dans l’Ancienne Égypte; Azza EZZAT: Staircases in Ancient Egyptian Pools: Iconographic Attestations and Ouranographic Connotations; Brigitte VALÉE: Les Hypocéphales et la Déesse Céleste Nut; Kurt LOCHER: Gods Coming from the Left – Possible Astronomical Origins of Religious Processions; Sabine STEMMLER–HARDING: Devil in Disguise – On the Stellar Mythology of cApophis and its Potential Connection to the Constellation @tp-Rdwy; Frank GODDIO: Un Récit de la Création ressurgit des Profondeurs; Anne–Sophie VON BOMHARD: The Genesis of the Stars in Ancient Egypt, according to the Naos of the Decades; Massimiliano FRANCI: Defining Time; Gaëlle CHANTRAIN: Une Journée dans le Temps et l’Espace – Remarques Lexicales au Sujet de hrw et grH; Themis G. DALLAS: The Ancient Skyscape Over the Sanctuary of Egyptian Gods in Marathōn; Mona HAGGAG: The Tazza Farnese: An Alexandrian Vision of the Cosmos; Jean–Pierre LEVET: Les Constellations Anthropomorphes de l’Hémisphère Nord et l’Astrosophie chez Ptolémée; PART II: ANCIENT EGYPTIAN RELIGION, ART, HISTORY AND THEIR CELESTIAL UNDERTONES: Jean–Pierre PÄTZNICK: La Déesse d’Éléphantine à l’Époque Thinite – Tabouisation Locale du Nom Divin; Tatjana A. SHERKOVA: Sacral Numbers in Ancient Egypt – Historical and Psychological Study; Mohammed AZZAZY & Azza EZZAT: The Sycamore in Ancient Egypt – Textual, Iconographic & Archaeopaly- nological Thoughts; Ahmed MANSOUR: Notes on the Role of #tm(w)/#tmty-NTr in Turquoise Mining Expeditions; Dina 'EL-GABRY: A Fragmentary Dyad of Penwah and of his Wife Meryt – Cairo Museum JE 27955, CG 1003; Hamdy Ahmed 'EL-SOROGY: The Flea Insect as a New Symbol for God Seth; Hedvig GYORY: On the History of Feline Amulets – A Preliminary Study of Cat Amulets; Detlev QUINTERN: The Lion and the Mouse – Travelling Ethics; Sophia TSOURINAKI: Between Dionysos and Christ – Cosmological Images on a Hellenistic Funerary Textile; Ashraf–Alexandre SADEK: De la Spiritualité des Anciens Égyptiens à la Spiritualité Chrétienne; Youhanna N. YOUSSEF: The Date of Consecration of the Sanctuary of Patriarch Benjamin; Manto PAPAÏOANNOU: Psychostasia in Byzantine Art through the Iconography of Archangel Michael; PART III: ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MATHEMATICS, MEDICINE, ARCHAEOANTHROPOLOGY AND EGYPTOMANIA: Irem ASLAN–SEYHAN: Considerations on the Study of Ancient Egyptian Mathematics in Modern Turkey; Stephanos GEROULANOS: An Introduction to Alexandrian Medicine & Surgery; Constantinos TRIANTAPHYLLIDIS: The Genetic History of Hellas, Egypt and of the Near East and the DNA Study of King Tutcankhamun; Adam LUKASZEWICZ: One more Hand that rocked the Cradle of Egyptology – Count Jan Potocki; Mladen TOMORAD: Aegyptiaca and Various Forms of Egyptomania in Croatia; Antigoni MANIATI: Brief CV & List of Publications of Prof. Dr Dr Alicia MARAVELIA; Evi BATRA: Epilogue – Dr Dr Alicia MARAVELIA & the Association of Greek Women Scientists