H 234 x W 156 mm
136 pages
Published Feb 2021
Paperback: 9781789695076
Digital: 9781789695083
Ancient Egypt; personal letters; daily life; people; relationships; belief; custom; language
Related titles
By Susan Thorpe
Includes PDF
PDF eBook
(personal use)
PDF eBook
(institutional use)
This book considers a selection of letters from the Old Kingdom up to and including the Twenty-first Dynasty. Under the topic headings of 'problems and issues', 'daily life', 'religious matters', 'military and police matters', it demonstrates the insight such texts can provide regarding aspects of belief, relationships, custom and behaviour.
Introduction ;
Problems and issues ;
Letter 1 ;
Letter 2 ;
Letter 3 ;
Letter 4 ;
Domestic issues and responsibility ;
Letter 5 ;
Letter 6 ;
Provisioning ;
Letter 7 ;
Letter 8 ;
Personal and familial issues ;
Letter 9 ;
Letter 10 ;
Letter 11 ;
Letter 12 ;
Summary ;
Daily Life ;
Building work and labour ;
Letter 1 ;
Letter 2 ;
Husbandry ;
Letter 3 ;
Letter 4 ;
Letter 5 ;
Provisions ;
Letter 6 ;
Letter 7 ;
Personal topics ;
Letter 8 ;
Letter 9 ;
Letter 10 ;
Raw materials ;
Letter 11 ;
Letters 12 and 13 ;
Summary ;
Religious matters ;
Religious duties, festivals, and a divine offering problem ;
Letter 1 ;
Letter 2 ;
Letter 3 ;
Letter 4 ;
Letter 5 ;
The ‘God’s Father Priests of “He of the Camp”’ ;
Letter 6 ;
Letter 7 ;
Letter 8 ;
Letter 9 ;
Letter 10 ;
Letter 11 ;
Letter 12 ;
Letter 13 ;
Summary ;
Military and police matters ;
Military duties and responsibility ;
Letters 1, 2 and 3 ;
Letter 4 ;
Letter 5 ;
Letter 6 ;
An assassination plot ;
Letter 7 ;
Letter 8 ;
Letter 9 ;
Summary ;
Further analysis ;
Aspects of agricultural organisation and natural resources ;
Religious aspects ;
Aspects of feelings and emotion ;
The role of women ;
Delivery ;
Writers and recipients ;
Aspects regarding distinctiveness of data ;
Conclusion ;
Appendix ;
Letters within collections ;
Letters from a specific period ;
Letters grouped by topic ;
Letters grouped by same sender and/or recipient ;
Letters studied with respect to specific aspects of structure and focus ;
In conclusion: other categories of correspondence ;