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Keyword: Religion

Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester

Alexander R. Rumble

Winchester in the Anglo-Saxon and early Norman periods was an important royal and religious centre. This volume comprises an edition and translation, with extensive commentary, of thirty-three Anglo-Saxon and Norman documents relating to the topography and minsters of early medieval Winchester. READ MORE

Hardback: £58.00

In Search of the Dioskouroi. Image, Myth and Cult

Sarah V. Graham

This book re-examines the Greek Dioskouroi, Kastor and Polydeukes, exploring their roles in image, myth, and cult. Case studies focus on their homelands in myth – Sparta, Messene, and Argos – and areas where Greek mariners sought their protection. Findings suggest that, for the Greeks, the term ‘Dioskouroi’ may have held a specific votive meaning. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Treasures of the Gupta Empire

Sanjeev Kumar

A reference for history enthusiasts, scholars and collectors alike, this book offers a comprehensive guide to Gupta Dynasty numismatics. The 2nd edition sees all known Gupta coin issues documented, with updated classifications and notes on their rarity. A revised chronology is presented, using data from coins, inscriptions, seals and copper plates. READ MORE

Hardback: £120.00 | eBook: £16.00

Dinámicas históricas, religiosas e iconográficas en el norte de África

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

A varied collection of scientific works on cultural phenomena and historical issues concerning North Africa as a whole, with special interest in Africa Proconsularis, this book contains diverse themes and methodologies that are indicative of the multidisciplinary orientation that brought together the Spanish-Tunisian collaborators. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Anthropomorphism, Anthropogenesis, Cognition

ed. Dragoş Gheorghiu et al.

Anthropomorphism could be described as a production of analogies generated by human cognition. It is present in the imaginary, mythologies, religions, and material culture of all ages. This book approaches anthropomorphism from the moment of anthropogenesis, tracing its presence in nature and material culture in prehistory and Antiquity. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese

Eleni Marantou

This book traces the origins of the religious system of the Peloponnese to identify the factors behind its subsequent development from the Geometric to the Classical period. Through a presentation of cult places, the deities worshipped, and the epithets used, the book explores preferences for particular deities and the reasons for this. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Apotropaia and Phylakteria: Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece

ed. Maria G. Spathi et al.

The belief in the existence of evil forces was part of ancient everyday life and a phenomenon deeply embedded in popular thought of the Greek world. Stemming from a conference held in Athens in June 2021, this volume addresses the apotropaia and phylakteria from different perspectives: via literary sources, archaeological material, and iconography. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

South Asian Goddesses and the Natural Environment

ed. Marika Vicziany et al.

This multidisciplinary collection presents 11 essays ranging from the pre-Vedic to the modern era and incorporating research on Hindu, Buddhist and tribal cultures. Authors ask whether the worship of goddesses, strongly linked to fertility rituals, might have mitigated the ecological decline of South Asia in the pre-British and post-colonial eras. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Roman Municipia of Malta and Gozo

George Azzopardi

How did the Maltese and Gozitans fare under Roman occupation? How were they treated by their new masters? And what did they do to appease them? Though based essentially on epigraphical evidence, this study seeks to address the above and other questions through an exercise in which epigraphy and the archaeological record supplement each other. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Art as Ritual Engagement in the Funerary Programme of Watetkhethor at Saqqara, c. 2345 BC

Barbara O’Neill

Art as Ritual Engagement is examined through a case study of feminised funerary representation in the repertoire of Watetkhethor, an elite woman interred in the mastaba tomb of her spouse, Mereruka, at Saqqara, c.2345-2181 BCE. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Greek Religion in Tauric Chersonesos

Tetiana Shevchenko

Tauric Chersonesos was one of the prominent ancient Greek centres on the north coast of the Black Sea. This comprehensive study of the cults of the gods of the Chersonesan polis, firmly based on the available sources, sheds new light on the religious life of this ancient Greek centre at various stages in its development. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

(Not) All Roads Lead to Rome

ed. Arnau Lario Devesa et al.

This book considers mobility in Antiquity in its broadest sense from a multidisciplinary perspective. Although mobility is always present in studies of exchange and cultural diffusion, here it is discussed as a key feature of societies, inherent to their functioning and where cultural, social and economic processes meet. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Personal Religion in Domestic Contexts during the New Kingdom

Iria Souto Castro

This study has three main themes: the definition of personal religion and religious domestic practices from a theoretical perspective; the description and analysis of the main archaeological and anthropological evidence; and, on that basis, the study of the impact of the Amarna period in the development of personal religion during the New Kingdom. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Water in the Roman World

ed. Martin Henig et al.

Offering a wide and expansive new treatment of the role water played in the lives of people across the Roman world, papers consider ports and their lighthouses; water engineering, whether for canals in the north-west provinces, or for the digging of wells for drinking water; baths for swimming; and spas. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Everyday Life in the Ice Age

Elle Clifford et al.

This is the first attempt to present a truly complete, balanced and realistic picture of life during the last Ice Age, while dispelling many of the myths and inaccuracies about our early ancestors. This highly illustrated and accessible book is aimed not only at students and specialists, but also and especially the interested public. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00

Tomb of Kha-em-hat of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Western Thebes (TT 57)

Amani Hussein Ali Attia

This volume presents a study of the tomb of Kha-em-hat TT 57 at Qurna, West Luxor, which dates back to the 18th Dynasty⁠ – the reign of King Amenhotep III. It is considered one of the most important Egyptian tomb discoveries, containing rare scenes and revealing development of the religious rituals of the time. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Well Built Mycenae, Fascicule 14: Tsountas House Area

Kim Shelton

Presenting results of excavations in the ‘Cult Centre’ area at Mycenae, the Tsountas House Area contains two buildings and multiple access ramps. This study is essential for understanding the conception and function of Mycenaean religious space and the socio-political development of cult. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

K'awiil: El dios maya del rayo, la abundancia y los gobernantes

Rogelio Valencia Rivera

This study of K'awiil analyses one of the most important deities of the Maya pantheon, and allows us to approach the religious thought of this people, since it is through the myths, rituals and other religious and cultural activities in which a deity participates, that we can try to understand how the Maya conceived their universe. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Living with Seismic Phenomena in the Mediterranean and Beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages

ed. Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan et al.

The first two sections of this book explore different ways of understanding seismic phenomena and present strategies for post-disaster management. Later sections present palaeoseimological and archaeological data (for the most part previously unpublished) on various sites in the Italian peninsula and the wider Mediterranean world and its frontiers. READ MORE

Paperback: £64.00 | Open Access

Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods: Dt and nHH as Fundamental Concepts of Pharaonic Ideology

Steven R.W. Gregory

Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods offers a new interpretation of the terms Dt and nHH as fundamental concepts of Pharaonic ideology, terms that, until now, have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time.


Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills

Giles Clarke

This book considers the cemetery uncovered outside the north gate of Venta Belgarum, Roman Winchester, and analyses in detail both the graves and their contents. There are detailed studies and important re-assessments of many categories of object, but it is the information about late Roman burial, religion, and society which is of special interest. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00 | Open Access

Religious Practice and Cultural Construction of Animal Worship in Egypt from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom

Angelo Colonna

This study presents an articulated historical interpretation of Egyptian ‘animal worship’ from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom, and offers a new understanding of its chronological development through a fresh review of pertinent archaeological and textual data. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Banquets, Rations et Offrandes Alimentaires au Proche-Orient ancien

Daniel Bonneterre

This book investigates food consumption in the ancient Near East. Archaeological discoveries and abundant textual documentation help reconstruct food supply to the cities of Mesopotamia and provide a better idea of the variety of products available. Some aspects of everyday life are presented in a new light, notably the social role of the banquet. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Roots of Reform: Contextual Interpretation of Church Fittings in Norfolk During the English Reformation

Jason Robert Ladick

This volume provides a thorough examination of the impact of the English Reformation through a detailed analysis of medieval and early modern church fittings surviving at parish churches located throughout the county of Norfolk in England. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Current Research in Egyptology 2019

ed. Marta Arranz Cárcamo et al.

Presents proceedings from the 20th meeting of the prestigious international student Egyptology conference, held at the University of Alcalá, 2019. 15 papers address a wide range of topics including all periods of ancient Egyptian History and different aspects of its material culture, archaeology, history, society, religion and language. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Discurso, espacio y poder en las religions antiguas

ed. Rafael A. Barroso-Romero et al.

14 papers reflect on how the wielders of power, be they religious, social or political, shape the discourses that justify their power within the framework of a society or a specific group, and how space participates in these discourses. Studies consider evidence from epigraphy, the archaeological record, and literary sources. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Environment and Religion in Ancient and Coptic Egypt: Sensing the Cosmos through the Eyes of the Divine

ed. Alicia Maravelia et al.

Proceedings of a conference held in Athens in 2017, this volume presents 34 fresh and original papers (plus 2 abstracts) on ancient Egyptian religion, environment and the cosmos. Papers connect many interdisciplinary approaches including Egyptology, archaeology, archaeoastronomy, geography, botany, zoology, ornithology, theology and history. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Festivals of Opet, the Valley, and the New Year

Masashi Fukaya

This volume compares the religious and social functions of the Ancient Egyptian festivals of Opet, the Valley, and the New Year. Until now, detailed study of the New Year Festival has only been carried out with reference to the Greco-Roman period; this study turns its attention to the New Kingdom. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Imágenes, lengua y creencias en Lusitania romana

ed. Jorge Tomás García et al.

The papers in this volume consider the visual, linguistic and religious culture of the Roman province of Lusitania (modern Portugal (south of the Douro river) and part of western Spain). READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

The Megaliths of Vera Island in the Southern Urals

Stanislav Grigoriev et al.

The largest and brightest megalithic complex in Russia’s Ural Mountains is located on Vera Island, represented by three chambered megaliths and sanctuaries of the Eneolithic period (mid-4th - 3rd millennium BC). The oldest samples of stone sculpture in the Urals have been revealed within this complex. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Tekenu and Ancient Egyptian Funerary Ritual

Glennise West

Attested from the Fifth Dynasty until, and including, the Saite Period, the Tekenu is a puzzling icon depicted within funerary scenes in the tombs of some ancient Egyptian nobles. In this work four distinct types of Tekenu are identified and classified and then a Corpus Catalogue is formed. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

NVMINA MAGNA: Roma e il culto dei Grandi Dei di Samotracia

Emiliano Cruccas

This volume underlines the main aspects of the cult of the Great Gods of Samothrace in light of the influences of Roman cultural and mythological substratum. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World

ed. Maddalena Bassani et al.

This volume brings together papers dealing with therapeutic aspects connected to thermo-mineral sites both in Italy and in the Roman Provinces, as well as cultic issues surrounding health and healing. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Popular Religion and Ritual in Prehistoric and Ancient Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean

ed. Giorgos Vavouranakis et al.

This volume features a group of select peer-reviewed papers by an international group of authors, both younger and senior academics and researchers, on the frequently neglected popular cult and other ritual practices in prehistoric and ancient Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Sanctuaries in Roman Dacia

Csaba Szabo

This book focuses on lived ancient religious communication in Roman Dacia. Testing for the first time the ‘Lived Ancient Religion’ approach in terms of a peripheral province from the Danubian area, this work looks at the role of ‘sacralised’ spaces, known commonly as sanctuaries in the religious communication of the province. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion

ed. Sinclair W. Bell et al.

Papers in honour of Carin M. C. Green (1948-2015) are presented under 3 headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Current Research in Egyptology 2017

ed. Ilaria Incordino et al.

Presents selected papers from the 18th Current Research in Egyptology meeting, held in Naples, 2017. Subjects discussed included Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt, Nubian Studies, Language/Texts, Art/Architecture, Religion/Cult, Field Projects, Museums/Archives, Material Culture, Mummies/Coffins, Society, Technologies, Environment. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Estudios sobre el África romana

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

These collected papers are for those who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Most articles are dedicated to the world of images, but other subjects include Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, and Libyan-Berber ethnicities. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

Elements of Continuity

George Azzopardi

The stones dealt with in this study are non-figural (or aniconic) or, sometimes, semi-figural. They come from ritual contexts and, as such, act as a material representation of divine presence in their role as betyls. The Maltese islands are presented as a case study to demonstrate the phenomenon of continuity through a study of these stones. READ MORE

Paperback: £18.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ras il-Wardija Sanctuary Revisited

George Azzopardi

This book reassesses the evidence of a secluded Punic-Roman sanctuary on the coastal promontory of Ras il-Wardija on the central Mediterranean island of Gozo (near Malta). READ MORE

Paperback: £19.00 | eBook: £16.00

Mesoamerican Religions and Archaeology

Aleksandar Boškovic et al.

The main goal of this book is to produce a methodologically sound and ethically valid interdisciplinary introduction into the exciting world of ancient Mesoamerica. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | eBook: £16.00

Liber Amicorum–Speculum Siderum: Nūt Astrophoros

ed. Nadine Guilhou et al.

In this volume, a pleiade of Egyptologists, Archaeologists, Archaeoastronomers, Archaeoanthropologists, Historians and other scholars from fifteen countries have combined their efforts in order to honour Alicia Maravelia. READ MORE

Paperback: £56.00 | eBook: £16.00