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Keyword: Classic

A Legacy of Learning in Near Eastern Archaeology

ed. Peter Lacovara

Helene J. Kantor (July 15, 1919-January 13, 1993) was one of the last of the great generalists of the ancient world. This volume celebrates her scholarship with articles covering her wide-ranging interests with important studies on ancient Egypt, the Aegean, Iran and Classical civilization. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00


Peter Stewart

This book offers an introduction to Gandharan art and the mystery of its relationship with the Graeco-Roman world of the Mediterranean. It presents an accessible explanation of the ancient and modern contexts of Gandharan art, the state of scholarship on the subject, and guidance for further, in-depth study. Chinese language edition. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | Open Access

Ausgewählte kleine Schriften zur römischen Antike (1974–2024)

Günther E. Thüry

A selection of fifty papers produced over the course of fifty years, supplemented here with epilogues considering developments in the field since first publication. They cover a wide range of topics in antiquity; Roman provincial archaeology; classical philology; epigraphy; numismatics; archaeobiology; history of medicine; and history of sexuality. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

How to Read Ancient Texts

Anthony J. Frendo

This book foregrounds the principles of interpretation that scholars employ when reading ancient inscriptions. In order to better come to grips with Canaanite, such as Phoenician, inscriptions, we need to first understand how people wrote and read texts in the ancient Mediterranean world, including that of the Greeks and Romans. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene

Luca Cherstich

This book analyzes ancient tombs in Eastern Libya, from the Archaic phase to Late Roman times. Despite plundering, these ornate structures reveal funerary competition, spatial organization, and lost rituals. The book reconstructs the social history of ancient Cyreneans through their ostentatious funerary culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Apotropaia and Phylakteria: Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece

ed. Maria G. Spathi et al.

The belief in the existence of evil forces was part of ancient everyday life and a phenomenon deeply embedded in popular thought of the Greek world. Stemming from a conference held in Athens in June 2021, this volume addresses the apotropaia and phylakteria from different perspectives: via literary sources, archaeological material, and iconography. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

South Asian Goddesses and the Natural Environment

ed. Marika Vicziany et al.

This multidisciplinary collection presents 11 essays ranging from the pre-Vedic to the modern era and incorporating research on Hindu, Buddhist and tribal cultures. Authors ask whether the worship of goddesses, strongly linked to fertility rituals, might have mitigated the ecological decline of South Asia in the pre-British and post-colonial eras. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ab imo pectore: Estudios sobre las emociones en la Antigüedad

ed. Paula Arbeloa Borbón et al.

This volume brings together papers focused on the study of emotions in the Ancient World from various perspectives through an interdisciplinary approach. The aim is to explore the complex network of emotional states (happiness, fear, anger, love...) based on contributions from, mainly, Ancient History, Classical Philology and Archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Gandharan Art and the Classical World: A Short Introduction

Peter Stewart

This book offers an introduction to Gandharan art and the mystery of its relationship with the Graeco-Roman world of the Mediterranean. It presents an accessible explanation of the ancient and modern contexts of Gandharan art, the state of scholarship on the subject, and guidance for further, in-depth study. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology

ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze et al.

Several papers focus on Tios (the Acropolis, the lower city and coin finds). Its place in ancient geography/cartography is considered before moving on to the indigenous inhabitants of the surrounding area, the immediate and greater region, then the Turkish Black Sea region, and outwards to the western, northern and eastern shores of the Black Sea. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

La fábrica del prestigio en Mesoamérica

Juliette Testard

The mural paintings of Cacaxtla offer the starting point for a discussion of cultural interactions and the fabrication of prestige. After the disintegration of the Teotihuacán system, this book considers how city-states of the Central Highlands transformed their material culture to construct new political discourses to establish local authority. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

People and Agrarian Landscapes: An Archaeology of Postclassical Local Societies in the Western Mediterranean

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo et al.

This book provides an overview of the driving theories, methodologies and main topics that have been addressed to date regarding agrarian archaeology. The text is presented as an introduction for students, a critical reading guide for other scholars, and an informative instrument aimed at a wide audience. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Gandhāran Art in Its Buddhist Context

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

This book considers Gandhāran art in relation to its religious contexts and meanings within ancient Buddhism. Addressing the responses of patrons and worshippers at the monasteries and shrines of Gandhāra, papers seek to understand more about why Gandhāran art was made and what its iconographical repertoire meant to ancient viewers. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

South by Southeast: The History and Archaeology of Southeast Crete from Myrtos to Kato Zakros

ed. Emilia Oddo et al.

Contributions investigate the settlement patterns, maritime connectivity, and material culture of the southeast of Crete in a diachronic fashion, in an attempt to define it as a region and trace its history. Papers focus primarily on the archaeology of the sites along the coastal strip spanning between the Myrtos Valley and Kato Zakros. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean

Katerina Velentza

With a focus on the underwater context of sculptures retrieved from beneath the sea, this volume examines where, when, why and how sculptures were transported on the Mediterranean Sea during Classical Antiquity through the lenses of both maritime and classical archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Contextualización del reconocimiento arqueológico de Eduard Seler en la Región de Chaculá, Departamento de Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Ulrich Wölfel

This study re-examines and contextualises Eduard Seler's investigations in the Chaculá-Region, Guatemala. A new study of the Ethnological Museum Berlin's materials from the region, including previously undocumented ceramics, reveals a chronology suggesting that the major settlements were occupied from the Late Classic to the Early Postclassic. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

A Landscape of Conflict? Rural Fortifications in the Argolid (400–146 BC)

Anna Magdalena Blomley

This is the first systematic study of Late Classical and Hellenistic rural fortifications in ancient Argos and the city-states of the Argolic Akte. Based on one of the largest regional corpora of Greek fortified sites, the volume investigates the function of rural fortifications by placing them in the context of their surrounding landscape. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

From the archaeologists and smugglers of the Raj to the museums of post-partition Pakistan and India, from coin-forgers and contraband to modern Buddhism and contemporary art, this fourth volume of the Gandhāra Connections project presents the most recent research on the factors that mediate our encounter with Gandhāran art. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

From Ritual to Refuse: Faunal Exploitation by the Elite of Chinikihá, Chiapas, during the Late Classic Period

Coral Montero López

From Ritual to Refuse explores the faunal exploitation by the Maya elite at the site of Chinikihá, Chiapas, during the end of the Late Classic period (AD 700-850) by applying zooarchaeological and statistical analyses to a faunal assemblage located in a basurero or midden behind a palatial structure at the core of the site. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Alexandria Antiqua: A Topographical Catalogue and Reconstruction

Amr Abdo

Alexandria Antiqua aims to catalogue the archaeological sites of Alexandria, from the records of the French Expedition (1798-99) to the present day, and to infer the urban layout and cityscape at the time of its foundation (4th century BC), and then through the successive changes which took place up to the Arab conquest (7th century AD). READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

Hunde in der römischen Antike: Rassen/Typen - Zucht - Haltung und Verwendung

Heidelinde Autengruber-Thüry

This study considers the living environment of the dog in Roman antiquity, based on literary and iconographic sources as well as archaeological and archaeozoological finds. The book asserts that dogs played an important role in many areas of life, such that everyday life in the Classical world could not be imagined without them. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

La industria lítica del núcleo urbano maya de La Blanca, Petén, Guatemala

Ricardo Torres Marzo

The ancient Maya used mainly stone tools, made of either ground stone and chipped stone, to achieve their extraordinary development. This book presents the techno-typological analysis of lithic materials from La Blanca, located in the heart of the Southern Lowlands, which was mainly inhabited during the Late Classic and Terminal Classic periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period

ed. Manolis Manoledakis

Contributions to this volume, covering all shores of the Black Sea, draw on a mix of archaeological evidence, epigraphy and written sources to explore the activities and characteristics of those that inhabited or colonised the Black Sea area, as well as those that visited, acted in, or influenced the region, from the archaic to Roman periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Toniná, una ciudad maya de Chiapas

Judith L. Ruiz González

Toniná was a Mayan city, located between two cultural areas near the Chiapas Highlands. It has been widely proposed that the Maya collapse implied the disappearance and depopulation of many cities; this research addresses the survival of Toniná towards the threshold of the Postclassic. READ MORE

Paperback: £49.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

András Bodor and the History of Classical Studies in Transylvania in the 20th century

Csaba Szabo

This volume focusses on the life and academic heritage of András Bodor (1915-1999), a classicist from Transylvania. Based on a large number of unpublished documents and the major works of Bodor, the book reconstructs the life of a classicist from the periphery of Europe, a region that changed many times during the 20th century. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 5 2020

John Bintliff

Volume 5 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology is the richest and most diverse so far. Keeping to the core brief to cover all major periods of Greek Archaeology, articles range from the Neolithic through Greco-Roman times, the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century AD. Geographically, papers range from Sicily through the Aegean to Turkey. READ MORE

Paperback: £96.00

A Catalogue of the Sculpture Collection at Wilton House

ed. Peter Stewart et al.

The Wilton House sculptures constituted one of the largest and most celebrated collections of ancient art in Europe, formed around the late 1710s and 1720s by Thomas Herbert, the eccentric 8th Earl of Pembroke. Lavishly illustrated with specially commissioned photographs, this catalogue offers the first comprehensive publication of the collection. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00

A Classical Archaeologist’s Life: The Story so Far

John Boardman

Sir John Boardman is one of the foremost experts on ancient Greek art. His autobiography offers a mixture of scholarly reminiscence, reflection on family life, travelogue, and critique of classical scholarship worldwide. Illustrated with pictures of travels, friends and home life, it reflects on his experiences of more than 90 years. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £9.99

Domi militiaeque: Militär- und andere Altertümer

Günther E. Thüry

This volume, in honour of the Austrian scholar Prof. Dr Hannsjörg Ubl, contains 24 contributions covering a wide range of topics. The focus is on Ancient Greece and Rome, but the volume also includes papers about the Langobards, renaissance replicas of classical sculpture, and the archaeology of World War I. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Weaving in Stones: Garments and Their Accessories in the Mosaic Art of Eretz Israel in Late Antiquity

Aliza Steinberg

This book, copiously illustrated throughout, studies the garments and their accessories worn by some 245 figures represented on approximately 41 mosaic floors (some only partially preserved) that once decorated both public and private structures within the historical-geographical area of Eretz Israel in Late Antiquity. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece

ed. Nikolas Dimakis et al.

This volume brings together early career scholars working on funerary customs in Greece from the Early Iron Age to the Roman period. Papers present various thematic and interdisciplinary analysis in which funerary contexts provide insights on individuals, social groups and communities. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 4 2019

John Bintliff

The fourth volume of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA) is rich and varied in content. Geographically the articles range from Sicily via Greece to Anatolia and the Near East, while chronologically they extend from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman era. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00

Scambi e commerci in area vesuviana

ed. Darío Bernal-Casasola et al.

This monograph includes the study of nearly 500 amphorae recovered during the pioneering stratigraphic excavations carried out in 1980-1981 at the Forum of Pompeii. The work represents the first Pompeian monograph dedicated exclusively to the amphoric evidence discovered at the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Dating Urban Classical Deposits: Approaches and Problems in Using Finds to Date Strata

Guido Furlan

This book considers the dating of archaeological strata on the basis of the assemblages recovered from them. It reviews the present state of archaeological practice and follows this with a theoretical discussion of the key concepts involved in the issue of dating deposits. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

RACTA 2018: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo

ed. Chiara Cecalupo et al.

This volume presents the proceedings from RACTA (Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo). Hosted by Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia, Rome in February 2018, RACTA was the first international conference for PhD students of Christian Archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Macedonia – Alexandria: Monumental Funerary Complexes of the Late Classical and Hellenistic Age

Dorota Gorzelany

This book explores the influence of Macedonians and Greeks settling in Alexandria ad Aegyptum on the structural form of underground tombs, comparing in synthetic form the structural elements of the cist graves, chamber and rock-cut tombs of Macedonia with the Alexandrian hypogea, while taking into account geographical factors that conditioned them. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Archaic and Classical Harbours of the Greek World

Chiara Maria Mauro

A study of the archaeology and history of ancient harbours, with particular focus on the Greek world during the Archaic and Classical eras. It questions what locations were the most propitious for the installation of harbours; what kinds of harbour-works were built and for what purpose; and what harbour forms were documented. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Popular Religion and Ritual in Prehistoric and Ancient Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean

ed. Giorgos Vavouranakis et al.

This volume features a group of select peer-reviewed papers by an international group of authors, both younger and senior academics and researchers, on the frequently neglected popular cult and other ritual practices in prehistoric and ancient Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

KOINON I, 2018

Nicholas J. Molinari et al.

KOINON is a new international journal that encourages contributions to the study of classical numismatics from a wide variety of perspectives. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 3 2018

John Bintliff

True to its initial aims, the latest volume of the Journal of Greek Archaeology runs the whole chronological range of Greek Archaeology, while including every kind of material culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | eBook: £25.00

At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion

ed. Sinclair W. Bell et al.

Papers in honour of Carin M. C. Green (1948-2015) are presented under 3 headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Winifred Lamb: Aegean Prehistorian and Museum Curator

David W. J. Gill

The first comprehensive biography of pioneering archaeologist and museum curator Winnifred Lamb, who was honorary keeper of Greek antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge in the four decades immediately following the First World War. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Hydraulic System of Uxul

Nicolaus Seefeld

This research seeks to close an essential research gap – the understanding of the water management strategies of the Maya in pre-Hispanic times. It focuses on the archaeological investigation of the hydraulic system of Uxul, a medium-sized Maya centre in the south of the state of Campeche, Mexico. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Open Access

A Bestiary of Monsters in Greek Mythology

Spyros Syropoulos

The aim of this book is to explore the realm of the imaginary world of Greek mythology and present the reader with a categorization of monstrosity, referring to some of the most noted examples in each category. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | eBook: £16.00

The Population of Tikal: Implications for Maya Demography

David Webster

A demographic evaluation of an ancient Mayan citadel which helps to resolve debates about how the Maya made a living, the nature of their socio-political systems, how they created an impressive built environment, and places them in plausible comparative context with what is known about other ancient complex societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Commemorating Conflict: Greek Monuments of the Persian Wars

Xavier Duffy

A holistic study of how the Greek peoples (of primarily the classical period) collectively commemorated the Persian Wars. This work analyses commemorative objects, places, and groups for a complete representation of the commemorative tradition. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

Naturvorstellungen im Altertum

ed. Florian Schimpf et al.

This volume looks at the concepts of nature in texts as well as in archaeological remains of the Ancient Near Eastern and Greek cultures from the Archaic to the Hellenistic period. Contributions from the fields of archaeology and philology are juxtaposed for each time period in chronological order. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: from early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models

Chiara Piccoli

The study presented here aims to make a practical contribution to a new understanding and use of digital 3D reconstructions in archaeology, namely as ‘laboratories’ to test hypotheses and visualize, evaluate and discuss multiple interpretations. READ MORE

Paperback: £59.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

SOMA 2015: Time, Space and People

ed. Murat Arslan

The proceedings of SOMA 2015 contain eighteen interdisciplinary articles on themes from underwater archaeology to history, archaeometry and art history, and chronologically, the subjects of these articles range from the Bronze Age to the 20th century. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Alexandria and Qumran: Back to the Beginning

Kenneth Silver

This book addresses the proto-history and the roots of the Qumran community and of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the light of contemporary scholarship in Alexandria, Egypt. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Imágenes de centauros en los vasos áticos de figuras negras y de figuras rojas

María Herranz

The centaur, a hybrid being with the body of horse and a human head and torso, first appeared in the mountains of Thessaly. This book is composed of a catalogue divided into nine chapters. Each chapter comprises catalogue entries for a number of black-figure and red-figure Attic vases. READ MORE

Paperback: £54.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Autour de l’infanterie d’élite macédonienne à l’époque du royaume antigonide

Pierre O. Juhel

This volume presents five articles relating to military studies in the context of Macedonia of the Antigonids. Combining literary studies and archaeology, the author proposes several new concepts on Hellenistic Macedonian military studies. Articles consider the Macedonian phalanx, Antigonid Redcoats, heavy infantry and defensive weaponry. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

El Sur de la Península Ibérica y el Mediterráneo Occidental: relaciones culturales en la segunda mitad del II milenio a.C.

Juan Manuel Garrido Anguita

Greek epics are the basis for the first speculations that link societies all along the Mediterranean coast. This book strives to distinguish reality from myth in the pursuit of a bond of certainty between the data provided by historical, literary and archaeological sources. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Kratos & Krater: Reconstructing an Athenian Protohistory

Barbara Bohen

Athenian governance and culture are reconstructed from the Bronze Age into the historical era based on traditions, archaeological contexts and remains, foremost the formal commensal and libation krater. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Large Scale Rhodian Sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman Times

Kalliope Bairami

This volume presents the large-scale Rhodian sculpture of the Hellenistic and Roman period through the publication of sixty unpublished sculptures of life size or larger than life size, together with forty-five sculptures already published. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

The Death of the Maiden in Classical Athens

Katia Margariti

The present study examines the death of maidens in classical Athens, combining the study of Attic funerary iconography with research on classical Attic maiden burials, funerary inscriptions, tragic plays, as well as the relevant Attic myths READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Recent Investigations in the Puuc Region of Yucatán

ed. Meghan Rubenstein

Papers focus on the history of the Puuc region, Yucatán, incorporating archaeological, architectural, epigraphic, and iconographic studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

Epigraphy of Art

ed. Dimitrios Yatromanolakis

Ancient Greek vase-paintings offer broad-ranging and unprecedented early perspectives on the often intricate interplay of images and texts. This book investigates both epigraphic technicalities of Attic and non-Attic inscriptions, and their broader, iconographic and sociocultural, significance. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

Social Identity and Status in the Classical and Hellenistic Northern Peloponnese

Nikolas Dimakis

This book aims to employ and illustrate the unique strengths of burial evidence and its contribution to the understanding of social identity and status in the Classical and Hellenistic Northern Peloponnese. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Houses in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Youssri Ezzat Hussein Abdelwahed

This book examines different forms of ritual activities performed in houses of Graeco- Roman Egypt. It draws on the rich archaeological record of rural housing and evidence from literature or papyrological references to both urban and rural housing. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture

Antonio Corso

This book is an essay on architectural drawings of the Greek and Roman world. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

Patrones de asentamiento del Malpaís de Zacapu (Michoacán, México) y de sus alrededores en el Posclásico

Gérald Migeon

Presents the results of the archaeological studies relative to the settlement pattern, realized within the framework of the Michoacán Projects I and III, studying of all the perceptible demonstrations of the prehispanic occupations in the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

‘A Mersshy Contree Called Holdernesse’: Excavations on the Route of a National Grid Pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire

ed. Gavin Glover et al.

Presents the results of excavations along the route of a national grid pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire shedding light on rural life in the claylands to the east of the Yorkshire Wolds, from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and Roman periods, and beyond. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

Rhesus' Gold, Heracles' Iron: the archaeology of metals mining and exploitation in NE Greece

Nerantzis X. Nerantzis

East Macedonia in northern Greece has rich deposits of gold and silver as well as copper and iron ores. The gold and silver were important to Classical Athens and even more so in Hellenistic times. This book looks at the archaeological and archaeometallurgical evidence for the mining and processing of the ores and the extraction of the metal. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00

SOMA 2013. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

ed. Sergei Fazlullin et al.

Papers from the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, SOMA 2013 held in Moscow, 25-27 April 2013. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Eros, mercator and the cultural landscape of Melos in antiquity

Effie Photos-Jones et al.

This book is about the archaeology of the minerals industries of Melos (in the Cyclades) in antiquity. The localities of their extraction and the type of processing they may have been subject to have been reconstructed on the basis of archaeological evidence. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Passionate Patron: The Life of Alexander Hardcastle and the Greek Temples of Agrigento

Alexandra Richardson

Alexander Hardcastle's name is little known today, especially in comparison with such figures as Howard Carter and Arthur Evans, but his archaeological work in Sicily and Etruria deserves to be ranked with theirs. READ MORE

Paperback: £14.99 | eBook: £16.00