Enrico Giorgi et al.
Vol 8 of Groma, an open access peer-reviewed journal focusing on the different methodologies applied to archaeology. Particular attention is paid to Mediterranean archaeology and to specific methodological aspects such as archaeological documentation and landscape archaeology. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access
Nicholas J. Molinari
Volume VII includes nine papers on Greek coinage and two Roman, one Ottoman and a final paper in the Medieval, and Early Modern section, followed by a catalog of varieties. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Laura Battini
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £72.00 | eBook: £10.00
ed. Catarina Viegas
Papers from the RCRF 2022 Athens conference explore Roman pottery manufacturing and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond. Featuring 60 articles, it examines typologies, production, trade, and cultural transformations, offering new insights into ancient economies and societies from the Hellenistic to Late Antique periods. READ MORE
Hardback: £110.00
John Bintliff et al.
Vol. 9 includes proceedings of a conference held in Athens (2023) offering a rich overview of the application of GIS in excavation and survey contexts in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. Further papers cover prehistory through to Medieval times, and a final paper providing a detailed survey of the history of female archaeologists in Greece. READ MORE
Paperback: £96.00 | eBook: £25.00
ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.
Volume 7 of JHP, an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Romina Della Casa et al.
Vol. 21 of Antiguo Oriente for 2023. AntOr is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Center of Studies of Ancient Near Eastern History (CEHAO). The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the Early Islamic Period. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Matthew Johnson et al.
The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the longest continually running academic forum for the presentation of cultural heritage research on the Arabian Peninsula. Subjects include archaeology, epigraphy, history, ethnography, art, architecture, linguistics, and literature from prehistory to the early twentieth century. READ MORE
Paperback: £69.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Aram Kosyan
Established in 2006 by the Association for Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies in corporation with the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, AJNES is the only periodical in the Republic of Armenia devoted exclusively to the investigation of ancient and medieval cultures of the Near East and the Caucasus. READ MORE
Paperback: £84.00 | eBook: £20.00
ed. Domizia D’Erasmo et al.
The seventh issue of Groma publishes proceedings of the 15th edition of the ArcheoFOSS International conference on open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access
Nicholas J. Molinari
Volume VI includes nine papers on Greek coinage and three in the Byzantine, Medieval, and Early Modern section, followed by a catalog of varieties. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £20.00
ed. Laura Battini
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £10.00
ed. John Bintliff
This volume opens with a tribute to Andrew Stewart (1948-2023), a scholar of immense knowledge and energy and a great supporter of this Journal from its creation. For this latest edition, as always the editors have encouraged and succeeded in including contributions spanning the millennia of Greek Archaeology in its fullest sense. READ MORE
Paperback: £96.00 | eBook: £25.00
ed. Howard Williams
Volume 5 of Offa's Dyke Journal, a venue for the publication of high-quality research on the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands focusing on the Anglo-Welsh border.
READ MOREPaperback: £40.00 | Open Access
ed. Mark McKerracher
The journal of the Medieval Settlement Research Group (MSRG), a long-established, widely recognised and open multi-disciplinary research group that facilitates collaboration between archaeologists, geographers, historians and other interested parties. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00
ed. Romina Della Casa et al.
Vol. 20 of Antiguo Oriente for 2022. AntOr is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Center of Studies of Ancient Near Eastern History (CEHAO). The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the Early Islamic Period. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Rebecca Foote et al.
These papers present a range of recent discoveries that demonstrate north-west Arabia’s centrality to understanding the greater region and further, and to begin to clarify the extraordinary richness of life in this pivotal zone of the Arabian Peninsula from the Palaeolithic through to the Islamic period. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Steve Karacic
The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the longest continually running academic forum for the presentation of cultural heritage research on the Arabian Peninsula. Subjects include archaeology, epigraphy, history, ethnography, art, architecture, linguistics, and literature from prehistory to the early twentieth century. READ MORE
Paperback: £69.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Catarina Viegas
16 contributions consider various pottery categories like terra sigillata, black gloss Italian ware, and more, offering multidisciplinary perspectives on trade, local production, and societal contexts. Spanning from early to late Roman periods, Acta 47 sheds light on pottery's significance and its diverse usage across the ancient Roman world. READ MORE
Hardback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.
Volume 6 of JHP, an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Enrico Giorgi et al.
Groma stems from the Department of History and Cultures (DISCI) of the University of Bologna and focuses on the different methodologies applied to archaeology. Particular attention is paid to Mediterranean archaeology and to specific methodological aspects such as archaeological documentation and landscape archaeology. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access
ed. Laura Battini
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
Nicholas J. Molinari
KOINON includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £20.00
ed. John Bintliff
In this rich volume, articles range across all the main phases of Greek Archaeology from Prehistory to the Postmedieval era, and cover a wonderful range of topics. READ MORE
Paperback: £96.00
ed. Mark McKerracher
The journal of the Medieval Settlement Research Group (MSRG), a long-established, widely recognised and open multi-disciplinary research group that facilitates collaboration between archaeologists, geographers, historians and other interested parties. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00
ed. Ben Guy et al.
The contents of this special issue comprise the proceedings of a conference held over Zoom on the weekend of 11–12 July 2020. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00
ed. Maja Gori et al.
The sixth issue of Ex Novo explores how ‘peripheral’ regions currently approach both the practice and theory of public archaeology placing particular emphasis on Eastern and Southern Europe and extending the analysis to usually underrepresented regions of the Mediterranean. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Aram Kosyan
Established in 2006 by the Association for Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies in corporation with the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, AJNES is the only periodical in the Republic of Armenia devoted exclusively to the investigation of ancient and medieval cultures of the Near East and the Caucasus. READ MORE
Paperback: £84.00
Nicholas J. Molinari
KOINON includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Laura Battini
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. John Bintliff
Volume 6 maintains the journal's goal to cover the broad chronological spread of Greek Archaeology, ranging from a new review of the Mesolithic occupation at Theopetra, to a detailed analysis of how the distribution of Middle Byzantine churches in the Peloponnese enlightens us into the evolution of human settlement and land use. READ MORE
Paperback: £96.00
ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Flaminia Bartolini
The fifth volume of Ex Novo present selected papers from a workshop held at the University of Cambridge in December 2018. Papers contribute much to the debate on the shifting conditions of the reception of dictatorial regimes, and more specifically the fate of fascist material legacies from the aftermath of WWII to the present day. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
Aram Kosyan
Presents Issues 1 and 2 of ARAMAZD: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies Volume XIV 2020 in one combined print edition. READ MORE
Paperback: £70.00 | eBook Institution: £79.00
ed. Helena Hamerow
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History (ASSAH) is a series concerned with the archaeology and history of England and its neighbours during the Anglo-Saxon period (circa AD 400-1100). READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00
ed. Laura Battini
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £10.00
ed. Heleen Van Londen et al.
This timely collection of peer-reviewed papers and short essays, based on papers presented in two sessions at the EAA annual meeting in Maastricht 2017, seeks to bridge the longstanding gap between natural and cultural heritage when it comes to landscape management. READ MORE
Paperback: £50.00
ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald
Most of the papers published in this volume were presented at a Special Session of the 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies (British Museum, August 2017) to celebrate the completion in the previous March of Phase 2 of the ‘Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia’ (OCIANA). READ MORE
Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Maja Gori et al.
This volume, part of the wider Ex Novo series, hosts papers exploring the various ways in which the past is remembered, recovered, created and used. In particular, contributions discuss the role of archaeology in present-day conflict areas and its function as peacekeeping tool or as trigger point for military action. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00
ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2002. READ MORE
Paperback: £42.00
ed. Peter J. Parr
Proceedings of the thirty-third Seminar for Arabian Studies held in London, 15-17 July 1999. READ MORE
Paperback: £34.00
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1995. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1989. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1986. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1984. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held at the Middle East Centre, Cambridge 22-23 June, 1970 (Vol. 1), the Oriental Institute, Oxford 22-23 September, 1971 (Vol. 2), and at the Institute of Archaeology, London 27-28 September, 1972 (Vol. 3). READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00