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Keyword: Language

Daily Life in Ancient Egyptian Personal Correspondence

Susan Thorpe

This book considers a selection of letters from the Old Kingdom up to and including the Twenty-first Dynasty. Under the topic headings of 'problems and issues', 'daily life', 'religious matters', 'military and police matters', it demonstrates the insight such texts can provide regarding aspects of belief, relationships, custom and behaviour. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £16.00

Current Research in Egyptology 2019

ed. Marta Arranz Cárcamo et al.

Presents proceedings from the 20th meeting of the prestigious international student Egyptology conference, held at the University of Alcalá, 2019. 15 papers address a wide range of topics including all periods of ancient Egyptian History and different aspects of its material culture, archaeology, history, society, religion and language. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

A Latin Lexicon: An Illustrated Compendium of Latin Words and English Derivatives

Caroline K. Mackenzie et al.

This charming, illustrated compendium of Latin words and English derivatives, includes over 365 words required for Latin GCSE. Key notes on grammar, translations and playful and memorable derivatives accompany each Latin entry, and a glossary of Latin in common usage make this essential for all learners of Latin as well as cruciverbalists. READ MORE

Hardback: £24.99 | eBook: £19.99

Imágenes, lengua y creencias en Lusitania romana

ed. Jorge Tomás García et al.

The papers in this volume consider the visual, linguistic and religious culture of the Roman province of Lusitania (modern Portugal (south of the Douro river) and part of western Spain). READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Essai bibliographique sur l’archéologie francophone de la Mésoamérique

Eric Taladoire

This bibliography of contributions in French to Mesoamerican studies aims to: assess the existing situation; provide the most complete list of references and draw attention to unknown contributions; evaluate the contribution of the most recent formations; insist upon the necessary confrontation of methods and points of view. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Languages, scripts and their uses in ancient North Arabia: Papers from the Special Session of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held on 5 August 2017

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald

Most of the papers published in this volume were presented at a Special Session of the 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies (British Museum, August 2017) to celebrate the completion in the previous March of Phase 2 of the ‘Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia’ (OCIANA). READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

Current Research in Egyptology 2017

ed. Ilaria Incordino et al.

Presents selected papers from the 18th Current Research in Egyptology meeting, held in Naples, 2017. Subjects discussed included Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt, Nubian Studies, Language/Texts, Art/Architecture, Religion/Cult, Field Projects, Museums/Archives, Material Culture, Mummies/Coffins, Society, Technologies, Environment. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 48 2018

ed. Julian Jansen van Rensburg et al.

Humanities studies on the Arabian Peninsular including anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, epigraphy, ethnography, history, language, linguistics, literature, numismatics, theology, and more, from the earliest times to the present day or, in the fields of political and social history, to around the end of the Ottoman Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £69.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 47 2017

ed. Julian Jansen van Rensburg et al.

Papers from the fiftieth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, the principal international academic forum for research on the Arabian Peninsula. READ MORE

Paperback: £69.00

Languages of Southern Arabia

ed. Orhan Elmaz et al.

The special session in 2013, Languages of Southern Arabia, was the fifth in the Seminar for Arabian Studies special session series. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 44 2014

ed. Robert Hoyland et al.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2013. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 43 2013

ed. Lloyd Weeks et al.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2012. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 42 2012

ed. Janet Starkey

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2011 READ MORE

Paperback: £67.00

The Nabataeans in Focus: Current Archaeological Research at Petra

ed. Laila Nehmé et al.

Proceedings of the special session held during the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2011. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 41 2011

ed. Janet Starkey

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2010. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00

The Development of Arabic as a Written Language

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald

Proceedings of the special session held during the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2009. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 40 2010

ed. Janet Starkey

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2009. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 39 2009

ed. Janet Starkey

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2008. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 38 2008

ed. Lloyd Weeks et al.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2007. READ MORE

Paperback: £49.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 37 2007

ed. Lloyd Weeks et al.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2006. READ MORE

Paperback: £47.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 36 2006

ed. Rob Carter et al.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2005. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 35 2005

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2004. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 34 2004

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2003. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 33 2003

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2002. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 30 2000

ed. Peter J. Parr

Proceedings of the thirty-third Seminar for Arabian Studies held in London, 15-17 July 1999. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 26 1996

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1995. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 20 1990

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1989. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 17 1987

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1986. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 15 1985

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1984. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 9 1979

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1978. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 6 1976

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 1975. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 4 1974

Proceedings of the Seventh Seminar for Arabian Studies held at the Middle East Centre, Cambridge on 28th and 29th June, 1973. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 1-3 1971-1973

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held at the Middle East Centre, Cambridge 22-23 June, 1970 (Vol. 1), the Oriental Institute, Oxford 22-23 September, 1971 (Vol. 2), and at the Institute of Archaeology, London 27-28 September, 1972 (Vol. 3). READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00