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H 276 x W 203 mm

250 pages

Published Mar 2019

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789690996

Digital: 9781789691009

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bibliography; Mesoamerican studies; French language studies

Essai bibliographique sur l’archéologie francophone de la Mésoamérique

Bibliographical essay upon the French-speaking contributions to Mesoamerican archaeology; Ensayo bibliográfico sobre la arqueología francófona de Mesoamérica

By Eric Taladoire

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This bibliography of contributions in French to Mesoamerican studies aims to: assess the existing situation; provide the most complete list of references and draw attention to unknown contributions; evaluate the contribution of the most recent formations; insist upon the necessary confrontation of methods and points of view.



Avant Propos / Foreword / Prólogo ; 
Abréviations utilisées / Used Abbreviations/ Abreviaciones ; 
Principales revues pertinentes pour la recherche américaniste francophone / Main pertinent French publications for Mesoamerican archaeology / Principales revistas pertinentes para las investigaciones en francés ; 
Bilan des publications en Français / An assessment of French contributions / Una evaluación de las contribuciones en francés ; 
Mésoamérique et généralités / Mesoamerica and general works / Mesoamérica y generalidades ; 
Une discipline ? / A specific approach? / Una disciplina? ; 
Géographie et milieux / Geography and environments / Geografía y medios naturales ; 
Chroniqueurs et codices / Chroniclers and codex / Cronistas y códices ; 
Ecritures, littérature et déchiffrements / Writing, literature and decipherments / Escritura, literature y desciframiento ; 
La découverte et la conquête / Discovery and conquest / El descubrimiento y la conquista ; 
Origines, comparatisme et hypothèses / Origins, comparatism and hypothesis / Orígenes, comparatismo e hipótesis ; 
Art, collections, expositions, musées / Art, collections, exhibitions, museums / Arte, colecciones, exposiciones y museos ; 
Les Chichimèques, le nord du Mexique et la Californie / The Chichimecs, Northern Mexico and California / Los chichimecas, el norte de México y Baja California ; 
Occident et Centre-nord / Western and North Central Mexico / El Occidente y el centro norte ; 
Le Mexique central / Central Mexico / El centro de México ; 
Oaxaca et le Guerrero / Oaxaca and Guerrero / Oaxaca y Guerrero ; 
La côte du Golfe: des Olmèques aux Huastèques / The Gulf Coast: from Olmecs to Huaxtecs / La costa del Golfo: de los olmecas a los huastecos ; 
Les Mayas / The Mayas / Los mayas ; 
L’Amérique centrale et les marges méridionales / Central America and the southern margins / La América central y la frontera meridional ; 
L’héritage colonial: une perspective anthropologique / The colonial heritage: an anthropological perspective / La herencia colonial: una perspectiva antropológica ; 
Thèses soutenues dans les universités francophones / Thesis and PhD in French-speaking Universities / Tesis de doctorado presentadas en las universidades francófonas

About the Author

Eric Taladoire is Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, and is a member of the research department Atchéologie des Amériques. He has done fieldwork mostly in the Maya area (Tonina, Xculoc, Xcaleumkin, Balamku, Rio Bec), but also in Guanajuato and in the Huasteca. He is series editor of the Paris Monographs in American Archaeology, published with Archaeopress. His main field of research is the Mesoamerican ballgame.