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Keyword: Landscapes

Harbours of the Aegean in Late Antiquity and the Medieval Period

Alkiviadis Ginalis

A comprehensive study of Aegean harbours and maritime connectivity, focusing on both major and local infrastructures. It provides a framework for interpreting coastal facilities and examines the Byzantine East's port networks. Thessaly serves as a case study, with diverse maritime landscapes and activities from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Agrarian Archaeology in Northwestern Iberia

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo

Devoted to the archaeological study of the societies and agrarian landscapes of Northwestern Iberia in the longue durée, this book brings together the results of some of the main projects carried out in recent decades from off-site records, providing a fresh perspective for the understanding of historical landscapes. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Sasanian Archaeology: Settlements, Environment and Material Culture

ed. St John Simpson

This collection of essays offers an examination of the Sasanian empire based almost entirely on archaeological and scientific research, much presented here for the first time. The book is divided into three parts examining Sasanian sites, settlements and landscapes; their complex agricultural resources; and their crafts and industries. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Europe's Lost Frontiers: Volume 1

ed. Vincent Gaffney et al.

Europe’s Lost Frontiers was the largest directed archaeological research project in Europe, investigating the inundated landscapes of the Early Holocene North Sea – often referred to as ‘Doggerland’. The first in a series of monographs presenting the results of the project, this book provides the context of the study and method statements. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

Paisajes, espacios y materialidades: Arqueología rural altomedieval en la península ibérica

ed. Sara Prata et al.

Rural landscapes are increasingly important when analysing the processes of change following the collapse of the Roman imperial structure. This volume presents contributions from key researchers in early medieval peasant archaeology in the north-western quadrant of the Peninsula, offering a multi-scale image of the main lines of ongoing research. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Environment, Archaeology and Landscape: Papers in honour of Professor Martin Bell

ed. Catherine Barnett et al.

Dedicated to Martin Bell (University of Reading), this book outlines how wetland and inland environments can be related and investigated using multi-method approaches. Papers fall under three themes: coastal and intertidal archaeology; mobility and human-environment relationships; heritage resource management, nature conservation and rewilding. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Bronze Age Tell Communities in Context: An Exploration into Culture, Society, and the Study of European Prehistory. Part 2

Tobias L. Kienlin

This is the second part of a study on Bronze Age tells and on our approaches towards an understanding of this fascinating way of life, drawing on the material remains of long-term architectural stability and references back to ancestral place. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

People in the Mountains: Current Approaches to the Archaeology of Mountainous Landscapes

ed. Andrzej Pelisiak et al.

This book studies current approaches to the archaeology of mountainous landscapes, presenting research results from different scientific contexts. To discuss these issues, and to study different aspects of human activity in the mountains and adjacent regions it incorporates archaeological, botanical, zooarchaeological and ethnological information. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Huosiland: A Small Country in Carolingian Europe

Carl I. Hammer

This volume studies the landscape of western Bavaria in the early-medieval period, between about 750 and 850 AD. The title of the study derives from several indications that a noble genealogia, the Huosi, were particularly influential there during the period. Huosiland may be the best documented European landscape of this time. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00