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Keyword: Historiography

Digging Lincoln

Michael J. Jones

A uniquely personal account of how a record of the city of Lincoln's rich archaeology was recorded from the time of the early antiquaries through to the commercially funded professional teams of today, by someone who was closely involved in a senior capacity for over half a century. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £9.99

A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2024

David J. Breeze et al.

This volume celebrates the twenty-sixth Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. It presents the history of the congress accompanied by photographs and reminiscences from participants, a story populated by many of the well-known archaeologists of the last 75 years and, indeed, earlier as the genesis of the Congress lies in the inter-War years. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

From Photography to 3D Models and Beyond: Visualizations in Archaeology

Donald H. Sanders

This book explores the history of visual technology and archaeology and outlines how the introduction of interactive 3D computer modelling to the discipline parallels very closely the earlier integration of photography into archaeological fieldwork. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

Do I Really Want to Be an Archaeologist?

Karen D. Vitelli

An edited collection of letters that Karen D. Vitelli wrote from pre-EU Greece and Turkey to family during her later years of graduate school and early field work (at Franchthi Cave, Gordion, and a training session at Corinth) through to the completion of writing her dissertation in Athens during a coup (1968-1974). READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues d’Afrique du Nord

ed. Djillali Hadjouis et al.

This volume traces the scientific work of some thirty prehistorians, geologists and paleontologists from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries in territories (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sahara) where prehistoric and protohistoric discoveries were numerous and fruitful. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

Revealing Trimontium

ed. Donald Gordon et al.

The Roman fort of Trimontium is renowned internationally thanks to the work of James Curle (1862–1944) who led the excavations of 1905–1910. This volume brings together key sets of his correspondence which cast fresh light on the intellectual networks of the early 20th century, when professional archaeology was still in its infancy. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2022

David J. Breeze et al.

This volume celebrates the twenty-fifth Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. It presents the history of the congress accompanied by photographs and reminiscences from participants, a story populated by many of the well-known archaeologists of the last 75 years and, indeed, earlier as the genesis of the Congress lies in the inter-War years. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

Conjuring Up Prehistory: Landscape and the Archaic in Japanese Nationalism

Mark J. Hudson

This study considers the ways in which archaeology and landscapes of the archaic have been appropriated in Japanese nationalism since the early twentieth century, focusing on the writings of cultural historian Tetsurō Watsuji, philosopher Takeshi Umehara and environmental archaeologist Yoshinori Yasuda. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

New Advances in the History of Archaeology

ed. Sophie A. de Beaune et al.

This volume presents papers from three sessions organised by the History of Archaeology Scientific Commission at the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018) considering the development of stratigraphical methods in archaeology in many European countries, and interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access

At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion

ed. Sinclair W. Bell et al.

Papers in honour of Carin M. C. Green (1948-2015) are presented under 3 headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Estudios sobre el África romana

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

These collected papers are for those who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Most articles are dedicated to the world of images, but other subjects include Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, and Libyan-Berber ethnicities. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

Colecciones, arqueólogos, instituciones y yacimientos en la España de los siglos XVIII al XX

ed. Sergio España-Chamorro et al.

The History of archaeological research has only recently become a research topic of interest within Spain. Eleven papers, first presented at a congress in March 2016, address several aspects from different perspectives that collectively enrich the historiography of Spanish archaeological research. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00