ed. Antonino Cannata et al.
The second Hyblaea highlights interesting new elements on different themes relating to the archaeology and ancient topography of the southern cusp of Sicily, with reference to a broad chronological span that reaches from prehistory to the end of the Iron Age and the first phases of Greek penetration. READ MORE
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Dario Calderone
Using various research methods and sources, the author identifies natural pathways in Milena, central-southern Sicily, that were likely used throughout prehistory to reach the coasts from this inland region that continued to be used in more recent historical periods, including the Roman period and the Middle Ages. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00
ed. Antonino Cannata et al.
A collection of ten papers focusing on the prehistoric, late-ancient and medieval-historical archaeological heritage of the Hyblaean area and in the south-eastern apex of Sicily, with particular attention to rupestrian archaeology. READ MORE
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ed. Howard Williams et al.
Select proceedings of the 5th University of Chester Archaeology Student Conference (31 January 2020) reflect on the shifting and conflicting meanings, values and significances for treasure in archaeology’s public engagements, interactions and manifestations. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
ed. Davide Delfino et al.
Museums are increasingly seen as the place where scientific research and heritage education meet; 8 papers here consider the mediation of language from research usage to public usage, making a museum visit an educational experience, universal accessibility, local community involvement, and use of media and new technologies for public outreach. READ MORE
Paperback: £26.00 | Open Access
John Boardman et al.
This book presents the first comprehensive publication of Lorenz Natter’s (1705- 1763) Museum Britannicum, offering full discussion in English and presenting Natter’s drawings and comments alongside modern information on the ancient and later engraved gems that can be identified and located through fresh research. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00
David W. J. Gill
The first comprehensive biography of pioneering archaeologist and museum curator Winnifred Lamb, who was honorary keeper of Greek antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge in the four decades immediately following the First World War. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00