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Keyword: Winchester

Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester

Alexander R. Rumble

Winchester in the Anglo-Saxon and early Norman periods was an important royal and religious centre. This volume comprises an edition and translation, with extensive commentary, of thirty-three Anglo-Saxon and Norman documents relating to the topography and minsters of early medieval Winchester. READ MORE

Hardback: £58.00

Winchester in the Early Middle Ages

ed. Martin Biddle

This volume provides a full edition, translation, and analyses of the Winton Domesday and of the city depicted therein, drawing on the evidence derived from archaeological excavation and historical research in the city since 1961, on personal- and place-name evidence, and on contemporary advances in Anglo-Saxon numismatics. READ MORE

Hardback: £96.00

The People of Early Winchester

ed. Caroline M. Stuckert

This volume traces the lives, health, and diseases of Winchester's inhabitants as seen in their skeletal remains from the mid-3rd to mid-16th century, a period of over 1,300 years. It offers a continuous chronological window, rather than a series of isolated studies, and is notable for the large sample of 8th-10th century Anglo-Saxon burials. READ MORE

Hardback: £80.00

Survey of Medieval Winchester

Derek Keene

This survey is based on a reconstruction of the histories of the houses, plots, gardens, and fields in the city and suburbs of Winchester between c. 1300 and c. 1540. The reconstruction presents a gazetteer of 1,128 histories of properties, with accounts of 56 parish churches and the international fair of St Giles, all illustrated by detailed maps. READ MORE

Hardback: £210.00

Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester

Martin Biddle

Over 6000 objects were recovered during the Winchester excavations (1961-1971), offering insight not only into the industries and arts, but the economic, cultural, and social life of medieval Winchester. This volume covers all the objects from the finest products of the Anglo-Saxon goldsmith’s skill to the iron tenter-hooks of the cloth industry. READ MORE

Hardback: £195.00

The Cult of St Swithun

Michael Lapidge

Following the translation of his relics from a conspicuous tomb into the Old Minster, Winchester, the massive rebuilding of the cathedral, and a vigorous publicity campaign by Bishop Aethelwold (963-84), St Swithun became one of the most popular and important English saints, whose cult was widespread in England, Ireland, Scandinavia, and France. READ MORE

Hardback: £115.00

‘a hole worlde of things very memorable’

ed. Martin Henig et al.

Julian Munby has gained a reputation over half a century in many branches of archaeological and historical knowledge. His lively and warm character and sense of fun has made him many friends who also in some sense feel they are his pupils, and this collection of papers has been assembled as a tribute in honour of his 70th birthday. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

Double-Sided Antler and Bone Combs in Late Roman Britain

Nina Crummy et al.

This is the first detailed study and catalogue of a comb type that represents a new technology introduced into Britain towards the end of the 4th century AD and a major signifier of the late fourth- to fifth-century transition. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

Venta Belgarum: Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Winchester

Francis M. Morris et al.

This is a detailed study of the archaeology of Roman Winchester—Venta Belgarum, a major town in the south of the province of Britannia— and its development from the regional (civitas) capital of the Iron Age people, the Belgae, who inhabited much of what is now central and southern Hampshire.


Hardback: £240.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Winchester Mint and Coins and Related Finds from the Excavations of 1961–71

ed. Martin Biddle et al.

This volume records and illustrates the minting of silver pennies in Winchester between the reigns of Alfred the Great and Henry III. Five and a half thousand survive in museums and collections all over the world. Sought out and photographed (some 3200 coins in 6400 images detailing both sides), they have been minutely catalogued for this volume. READ MORE

Hardback: £115.00 | Open Access

Environment and Agriculture of Early Winchester

ed. Martin Biddle et al.

This wide-ranging study describes the natural environment of Winchester and its immediate surroundings from the late Iron Age to the early post-medieval period. Historical and archaeological evidence consider humanity's interactions with the environment, fashioning agricultural, gardening and horticultural regimes over a millennium and a half. READ MORE

Hardback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills

Giles Clarke

This book considers the cemetery uncovered outside the north gate of Venta Belgarum, Roman Winchester, and analyses in detail both the graves and their contents. There are detailed studies and important re-assessments of many categories of object, but it is the information about late Roman burial, religion, and society which is of special interest. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00 | Open Access

The Middle Ages Revisited: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Medieval Southern England Presented to Professor David A. Hinton

ed. Ben Jervis

This volume, produced in honour of Professor David A. Hinton’s contribution to medieval studies, re-visits the sites, archaeologists and questions which have been central to the archaeology of medieval southern England. Contributions are focused on the medieval period (from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Reformation) in southern England. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Search for Winchester’s Anglo-Saxon Minsters

Martin Biddle et al.

A history of extensive archaeological excavations in Winchester from 1961 to 1970, showing how they led to the discovery of the Old and New Minsters and brought back to life the history, archaeology and architecture of the city’s greatest Anglo-Saxon buildings. READ MORE

Paperback: £15.00 | eBook: £16.00