H 276 x W 215 mm
528 pages
Extensively illustrated with photographs, line drawings, maps, and charts
Published Mar 2025
Hardback: 9781803270142
Digital: 9781803270159
Winchester; Chronology; Osteoarchaeology; Disease; Roman; Anglo-Saxon; Medieval
Related titles
Edited by Caroline M. Stuckert
This volume traces the lives, health, and diseases of Winchester's inhabitants as seen in their skeletal remains from the mid-3rd to mid-16th century, a period of over 1,300 years. It offers a continuous chronological window, rather than a series of isolated studies, and is notable for the large sample of 8th-10th century Anglo-Saxon burials.
List of illustrations ;
List of tables ;
List of abbreviations ;
List of references ;
Part 1 Introduction – Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle ;
1:Introduction ;
2:Concept ;
3:The origin, growth, and completion of this study ;
4:The outcome: a summary ;
Part 2 Romano-British Populations from Lankhills and other cemeteries in Winchester – Caroline M. Stuckert ;
1:Introduction ;
2:Demography ;
3:Physical characteristics ;
4:Dentition ;
5:Pathology ;
6:Lankhills decapitations revisited – J. L. Macdonald ;
7:Catalogue of the burials from the Lankhills 1967-72 excavations ;
Part 3 The transition from Romano-British to early Anglo-Saxon in Hampshire – Caroline M. Stuckert ;
1:Introduction ;
2:Archaeological background: the Early Anglo-Saxon sites ;
3:Demography ;
4:Physical characteristics ;
5:Dentition ;
6:Discussion ;
Part 4 Anglo-Saxon and medieval populations from the old and new minster and cathedral cemeteries – Theya Molleson, Rosemary Powers, John Price, and Pauline Sheppard ;
1:Introduction ;
2:Demography ;
3:Physical variation ;
4:Discontinuous variation and congenital anomalies ;
5:Dental health ;
6:General health ;
7:Injuries ;
8:Conclusions ;
Part 5 The population of Winchester: A millennium of continuity and change – Caroline M. Stuckert ;
1:Introduction ;
2:Population continuity and change ;
3:Health and lifestyle ;
4:Discussion ;
Appendix A: Other burial groups found 1961-71 – Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle, with a contribution by Sue Browne ;
Appendix B: Statistical methods of determining sex developed for the study of the Hampshire Romano-British and Early Anglo-Saxon skeletal samples – Caroline M. Stuckert ;
Appendix C: Grave concordance: Anglo-Saxon and Medieval burials from the Old Minster and Cathedral cemeteries – Caroline M. Stuckert ;
Appendix D: Glossary
Just one of an incredibly comprehensive series examining the history of Winchester, this book uncovers the story of the city's occupants from AD 250 to 1540, as told by their skeletal remains. – Emma Watts-Plumpkin, Current Archaeology ;
This volume is a valuable contribution to long-term population history. The production and illustration standards are high, and Caroline Stuckert should be congratulated for finally bringing all of this important research to publication ... – Sam Lucy, Antiquity