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Keyword: Geology

Archaeology and Geology of Ancient Egyptian Stones

James A. Harrell

This book seeks to identify and describe all the rocks and minerals employed by the ancient Egyptians using proper geological nomenclature, and to give an account of their sources in so far as they are known. The various uses of the stones are described, as well as the technologies employed to extract, transport, carve, and thermally treat them. READ MORE

Paperback: £125.00 | eBook: £16.00

Portus, investigaciones geoarqueológicas en el muelle este-oeste

ed. Javier Bermejo Meléndez et al.

This volume collects the scientific results of the geoarchaeological project on the east-west pier of Portus (Rome). Since 2017, various excavation and study campaigns have focused their efforts on the pier via an inter- and multidisciplinary methodology involving archaeologists, geologists, palaeobotanists and palaeontologists. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

The Circular Archetype in Microcosm: The Carved Stone Balls of Late Neolithic Scotland

Chris L. Stewart-Moffitt

This study is the culmination of seven years research into the Carved Stone Balls of Late Neolithic Scotland. It is the first study of these enigmatic artefacts since that undertaken by Dorothy Marshall in 1977 and includes all currently known examples in both museums and private hands, described and analysed in considerable detail. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Open Access

Different Times? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences

ed. Zoï Tsirtsoni et al.

Proceedings from Session II-8 of the XVIII UISPP Congress, Paris, 2018, questioning temporal correlations between intra-site and off-site data in archaeology-related contexts. The word ‘site’ describes here archaeological sites – usually settlements – where recent research has produced information on the duration and timing of human presence. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access

Megaliths and Geology: Megálitos e Geologia

ed. Rui Boaventura et al.

This book presents contributions from MegaTalks 2, (Portugal, 2015), part of the MegaGeo project which aimed to analyse the raw material economy in the construction of megalithic tombs in multiple territories, showing the representation of several prehistoric communities that raised them and their relationship with the surrounding areas. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen

ed. Guirec Querré et al.

Callaïs refers to the green stones from which the remarkable ornaments discovered in several Neolithic sites in Western Europe are made. This volume brings together the contributions of the best European specialists in callaïs, variscite and turquoise, who spoke at a symposium on this ancient gemstone held in April 2015 in Carnac. READ MORE

Hardback: £130.00 | Open Access

TephroArchaeology in the North Pacific

ed. Gina L. Barnes et al.

‘TephroArchaeology’ (from the Japanese, kazanbai kōkogaku – lit. volcanic ash archaeology), refers to a sub-discipline of archaeology developed in Japan in the last few decades. This book brings into the English-speaking world tephroarchaeological investigations by archaeologists in Japan whose results are usually only accessible in Japanese. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Recommendations for best practices in data acquisition methods for natural and cultural heritage management of Moroccan coastal wetlands

ed. Athena Trakadas et al.

This book outlines the functional procedures for conducting scientific coastal marine surveys in the Moroccan context, discussing the requirements, methods, and practices of the four scientific fields that rely these types of shared data: hydrography, marine geology, marine biology and toxicology, and maritime archaeology and heritage management. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

Agia Varvara-Almyras: An Iron Age Copper Smelting Site in Cyprus

ed. Christina Peege et al.

This volume presents the results of a comprehensive post-excavation analysis of the stratigraphy, geology, metallurgical materials (furnaces, tuyeres), finds (pottery, furnace lining, stone tools), as well as a synthesis of the copper smelting technology at Agia Varvara-Almyras, Cyprus. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Geology for Archaeologists

J.R.L. Allen

This short introduction aims to provide archaeologists of all backgrounds with a grounding in the principles, materials, and methods of geology. Each chapter ends with a short reading list, and many have selected case-histories in illustration of the points made. Included is a glossary of technical terms. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00