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H 276 x W 203 mm

124 pages

48 figures (colour throughout)

Published Jun 2022

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803272665

Digital: 9781803272672

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Virtual archaeology; Virtual reality; Gaming; Digital Heritage

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The Past as a Digital Playground: Archaeology, Virtual Reality and Video Games

Edited by Stefano Bertoldi, Samanta Mariotti

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This book collects the contributions to a two-day conference which illustrate a digital project developed at the Archaeological and Technological Park of Poggibonsi (Siena, Tuscany), where Virtual Reality and an educational video game are being used to enhance the archaeological content deriving from the excavation of the medieval site.



Indice ;

Introduzione – Stefano Bertoldi, Samanta Mariotti ;

(Re)living Vindolanda: Designing Educational Computer Games for Outdoor Environments – Barbara Birley, Richard Davison, Claire Stocks ;

Virtual Neapolis. Un’esperienza di visita immersiva in VR per le vie di Napoli – Francesco Gabellone, Maria Chiffi ;

Virtual tour di Poggio Bonizio: teoria, tecnologia e applicazioni dalla grafica 3d alla VR – Stefano Bertoldi ;

Designing video games for history classrooms – Juan Hiriart ;

Archeologia, interazione, gioco: come il digitale ha mutato la disciplina. L’osservatorio di Archeovirtual – Augusto Palombini ;

Hold the Hut, il progetto di valorizzazione della capanna arcaica di San Chirico Nuovo (Potenza, Basilicata) – Sabrina Mutino, Lucia Colangelo, Michele Scioscia ;

A video game for the Archaeological Park of Poggibonsi (Italy). Towards new promotional and educational trends: potentials, challenges, and perspectives – Samanta Mariotti ;

Tavola rotonda moderata da Stefano Bertoldi – Marco Valenti, Nicola Berti, Federico Salzotti, Maurizio Amoroso ;

La “fine” ed un nuovo inizio: il Metaverso in archeologia – Stefano Bertoldi, Samanta Mariotti

About the Author

Stefano Bertoldi graduated (MA, University of Siena, 2012) in medieval archaeology with a thesis on spatial analysis of road and settlements and in 2017 presented his Ph.D. dissertation on settlements, roads, markets and trade in Tuscany between the imperial age and the early middle ages. His principal research interests are computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, and the archaeology of the late Roman to post-medieval periods. ;

Samanta Mariotti graduated (MA, University of Siena, 2010) in Byzantine Archaeology with a thesis on urban transformations between Late Antiquity and the early Byzantine period. In 2016 she obtained a specialist diploma from the University of Trieste. Over the years she has participated in numerous excavation campaigns as supervisor and GIS expert as well as focusing on public archaeology and communication. Since 2018 she has collaborated with an educational games society as an archaeological expert and narrative designer.