H 248 x W 185 mm
106 pages
Illustrated in full colour throughout
Published Jun 2022
Paperback: 9781803272238
Digital: 9781803272245
Roman; Frontier; Limes; Serbia; Danube; Military
Related titles
By David J. Breeze, Sonja Jilek, Miomir Korać, Snežana Golubović, Nemanja Mrđić, Gordana Jeremić, Stefan Pop-Lazić
The aim of this publication is not only to inform about historical and archaeological facts on the Limes in Serbia but also to act as a guidebook as well through the Danubian Limes.
Common cultural heritage of the Roman Empire ;
The Roman Empire ;
Frontiers and trade ;
The World Heritage Site “Frontiers of the Roman ;
Empire” ;
The definition of a World Heritage Site ;
The task ahead ;
History and extent of frontiers ;
Rome´s foreign policy ;
The location of frontiers ;
The army and frontiers ;
The purpose of frontiers ;
Soldiers and civilians ;
Military administration ;
Research on Roman frontiers ;
Inscriptions and documents ;
Survey and excavation ;
Aerial survey ;
Protection and presentation of frontiers ;
Preparation for the nomination of the Serbian ;
Limes section ;
Danube Limes Brand ;
Roman Limes in Serbia – an overview ;
Establishment and history of the Limes in Lower ;
Pannonia and Upper Moesia ;
Pannonian section of the Serbian Limes ;
Moesian section of the Serbian Limes ;
Iron Gate section ;
Forts and fortlets along Danube ;
Legionary forts ;
Singidunum ;
Viminacium ;
Smaller forts and settlements in Iron Gate ;
Diana ;
Pontes ;
River fleet and its role along the Danube ;
Limes road ;
Trajan’s canal ;
Trajan’s bridge ;
Economy overview of the frontier ;
Cults and religions on the frontier ;
A vision of Limes development ;
Bibliography ;
Illustration acknowledgements