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H 248 x W 185 mm

104 pages

Illustrated in full colour throughout

Published Jun 2022

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803271460

Digital: 9781803271477

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Roman; Limes; Frontiers; Hungary

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Pannonia province existed from the occupation during the reign of Emperor Augustus to the 20s and 30s of the 5th century A.D. Its border stretched alongside the Danube and was always one of the most important European frontiers in Roman times.



Frontiers of the Roman Empire ;
The Roman Army and the Limes ;
The Roman limes in Hungary ;
A Római Birodalom határai ;
A római hadsereg a limesen ;
A római limes Magyarországon

About the Author

Professor David. J. Breeze is Chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies and has published extensively on Roman frontiers.