H 290 x W 205 mm
114 pages
Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white
Published Nov 2016
Paperback: 9781784914547
Digital: 9781784914554
Bronze Age; Ritual; Cave; Ireland; Post-Medieval; Excavation; Osteoarchaeology
By Marion Dowd
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In 2011, cavers exploring a little-known cave on Moneen Mountain in County Clare in the west of Ireland discovered part of a human skull, pottery and an antler implement. An archaeological excavation followed, leading to the discovery of large quantities of Bronze Age pottery, butchered animal bones and oyster shells.
Part I The site, background and archaeological excavation ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Geology and geomorphology - David Drew; 3. History of investigation; 4. Cave morphology; 5. Excavation and post-excavation methodology; 6. Stratigraphic report; Part II Excavation results and specialist analyses; 7. Radiocarbon dates; 8. Mammalian faunal remains - Fiona Beglane; 9. Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) analysis of four butchered animal bones - Keri Rowsell and Matthew Collins; 10. Bird and fish bones - Sheila Hamilton-Dyer; 11. Late Bronze Age oyster (Ostrea edulis) shells - Rory Connolly; 12. Charcoal; 13. Early Bronze Age antler hammerhead/macehead - Ruth F. Carden; 14. Middle/Late Bronze Age pottery - Elaine Lynch and Helen Roche; 15. Post-medieval human skeletal remains - Catriona McKenzie; 16. DNA analysis of the human skeletal remains - Mike Taylor; 17. Metagenomic analysis and mitochondrial genome reconstruction of the post-medieval individual from Moneen Cave - Åshild J. Vågene, Johannes Krause and Kirsten I. Bos; 18. Isotopic analysis of the human skeletal remains - Thomas Kador; 19. Analysis of Growth Recovery Lines (Harris lines) in the human skeletal remains - Fran O’Keeffe; 20. Historical context of the adolescent boy from Moneen Cave - Ciarán Ó Murchadha iHis; 21. Hints of an Early Mesolithic and/or Neolithic presence; Part III Discussion and interpretation: Moneen Cave in context; 22. An Early Bronze Age horizon: an antler hammerhead/macehead and a pig pelvis; 23. Middle and Late Bronze Age deposits; 24. Moneen Cave within the wider Bronze Age landscape of the Burren; 25. A post-medieval boy; 26. Public archaeology and Moneen Cave; 27. Future work; 28. References; Appendix 1 Context register; Appendix 2 Finds register; Appendix 3 Mammalian faunal remains by context - Fiona Beglane; Appendix 4 List of human bones - Catriona McKenzie