ed. György Lengyel et al.
Papers from Session 4 disseminate a wealth of archaeological data from Bavaria to the Russian Plain, and discuss Aurignacian, Gravettian, Epigravettian, and Magdalenian perspectives on lithic tool kits and animal remains. Session 6 was concerned with lithic raw material procurement in the Caucasus and in three areas of the Iberian peninsula. READ MORE
Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access
ed. Françoise Bostyn et al.
Presents papers from Parts 1 and 2 of Session XXXIII of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018). The first part, 'Siliceous rocks: procurement and distribution systems', looks at production systems and the diffusion of mining products, while the second, 'Flint mines and chipping floors...', focuses on knapping activities. READ MORE
Paperback: £29.00 | Open Access
ed. Kyra Kaercher et al.
The theme for the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference (CASA) 2019 was New Frontiers in Archaeology and this volume presents papers from a wide range of topics such as new geographical areas of research, using museum collections and legacy data, new ways to teach archaeology and new scientific or theoretic paradigms. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
ed. Klára Šabatová et al.
Since the fall of communism, archaeological research in Central and Eastern European countries has seen a large influx of new projects and ideas, fueled by bilateral contacts, Europe-wide circulation of scholars and access to research literature. This volume is the first study which relates these issues specifically to Bronze Age Archaeology. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. David Davison et al.
Papers focus on Croatia’s particular interconnectedness in terms of social and cultural relationships with the wider region as the starting point for exploring issues across a broad chronological range, from human origins to modernity. READ MORE
Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00