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Keyword: Antique

Dimore della Cirenaica: Abitare a Cirene e a Tolemaide durante l’età imperiale

Eleonora Gasparini

This book analyses urban housing in Cyrenaica (East Libya), with a specific focus on the cities of Cyrene and Ptolemais, from the early through to the late Roman imperial period. It represents a corpus of evidence that will be a starting point for any future research on these topics. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

TRADE: Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th Centuries AD)

ed. Igor Borzić et al.

Spanning the period between the 2nd and 9th centuries, this volume collects 45 papers dealing with the Adriatic area that aim to create a new dataset for the historical reconstruction of processes related to forms of settlement, aspects of production, and trade and the movement of pottery and other craft products between its two coasts. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

Pottery of Manqabad 2

Ilaria Incordino

This 2nd volume presents, documents and analyses a new selection of ceramics from the Egyptian site of Manqabad (Asyut). It aims to present the most significant ceramic typologies from Manqabad, while collecting as many references and parallels as possible deriving from several different monastic sites in Egypt. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Le gemme romane e post-antiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari

Miriam Napolitano

This volume provides a catalogue raisonné of around 200 engraved gems from the Roman and post-antique periods currently or formerly preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures: Production and Trade in the Adriatic Region and Beyond

ed. Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan et al.

32 papers consider issues of pottery production in the wider Adriatic area during Roman times, in particular relation to landscape and communication features, ceramic building materials, as well as general studies on ceramic production, pottery and glass finds. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Papers in Italian Archaeology VII: The Archaeology of Death

ed. Edward Herring et al.

This volume collects more than 60 papers by contributors from the British Isles, Italy and other parts of continental Europe, and North and South America, focussing on recent developments in Italian archaeology from the Neolithic to the modern period. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | eBook: £16.00

Glassware and Glassworking in Thessaloniki

Anastassios Ch. Antonaras

A detailed examination of the production of glass and glass vessels in the eastern Mediterranean from the Hellenistic Age to the Early Christian period, analysing production techniques and decoration. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Late Roman to Late Byzantine/Early Islamic Period Lamps in the Holy Land

Varda Sussman

This volume illustrates lamps from the Byzantine period excavated in the Holy Land and demonstrates the extent of their development since the first enclosing/capturing of light (fire) within a portable man-made vessel. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

Due antiche diocesi dello stretto di Messina

Francesca Zagari

This monograph is a comparative study of the Saline area and of the Aeolian Islands dioceses’ settlement in Late Antiquity and in the Early Middle ages. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00