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H 248 x W 185 mm

96 pages

Illustrated in full colour throughout

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Published Jul 2024

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803277790

Digital: 9781803277806

DOI 10.32028/9781803277790

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Roman; Frontier; Limes; Danube; Bulgaria; Military

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The inextricability of the connection between the Roman limes and the lands it ran through is easily observed and perfectly illustrated in Bulgaria. For a considerable distance it follows the Danube; both a major natural obstacle and at the same time a convenient communication route, it was easily defendable and facilitated control of trade routes.



Foreword by David J. Breeze


Common cultural heritage of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire

Frontiers and trade

The ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ World Heritage Site

The definition of a World Heritage Site

The task ahead

History and extent of frontiers

Rome’s foreign policy

The location of frontiers

The army and frontiers

The purpose of frontiers

Soldiers and civilians

Military administration

Research on Roman frontiers

Inscriptions and documents

Survey and excavation

Aerial survey and remote sensing

Protection and presentation of frontiers

Future perspectives



The limes on the Lower Danube: establishment and development

The Bulgarian section of the limes

Gazetteer of Bulgarian limes sites on the Lower Danube


Illustration acknowledgements

About the Author

Prof. Piotr Dyczek (University of Warsaw) – Director of the Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, Head of the Department of Classical Archeology, Faculty of Archeology, University of Warsaw. Fieldwork supervisor in Tanais (Russia) and Serax (Turkmenistan). Currently he is carrying out fieldwork in Novae (Bulgaria), Scodra and Bushati (Albania) Risan (Montenegro).

Professor David J. Breezeh as published several books on Roman frontiers and the Roman army. He is a former chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies . 


Проф. Пьотр Дичек – Директор на Центъра за изследване на античността на Югоизточна Европа, ръководител на катедрата по класическа археология на Археологическия факултет на Варшавския университет. Супервайзер на терен в Танаис (Русия) и Серакс (Туркменистан). В момента той провежда теренна работа в Новае (България), Шкодра и Бушати (Албания) Рисан (Черна гора).

Професор Дейвид Бриз е публикувал редица книги за границите на Римската империя и за римската армия. Той също е и бивш председател на организационната колегия на Международния конгрес за изследване на границите на Римската империя (ICRFS).