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H 276 x W 203 mm

154 pages

34 figures, 2 tables, 15 plates (colour throughout)

Published Apr 2024

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803276526

Digital: 9781803276533

DOI 10.32028/9781803276526

Recommend to a librarian

Vikings; Dublin; Ireland; Environmental Archaeology; Coleopteran; Living Conditions

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Dirt, Dwellings and Culture: Living Conditions in Early Medieval Dublin

By Eileen Reilly

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This book explores the living conditions and environments as experienced by early medieval people in Ireland, touching upon a wide range of environmental, architectural, artefactual and historical datasets from significant archaeological excavations of settlement sites across Ireland and Northern Europe.





Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Viking Dublin and the Fishamble Street Excavations in context

Chapter 3: Methods of this study

Chapter 4: Insect analyses through time

Chapter 5: Reconstructing living conditions in the houses, plots, streets, and surrounds of Viking Dublin

Chapter 6: Conclusions: Thinking about dirt and hygiene in early medieval societies in Ireland and beyond

Appendix 1: Technical report appendix


About the Author

Eileen Reilly completed her BA in Archaeology and Geography at University College Dublin, followed by a MSc in Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy at Sheffield University. She then completed a Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment Management, University College Dublin, and in 2008 she was awarded a PhD from the Botany Department, Trinity College, Dublin. In 2015 Eileen finished a Government of Ireland Post Doctoral Research position a University College Dublin. Her research was titled 'Dirt, dwellings and culture: reconstructing living conditions in early medieval Ireland and northwestern Europe AD 600-1000' and forms the basis of this book.