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H 248 x W 185 mm

96 pages

Illustrated in full colour throughout

Published Aug 2022

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803271743

Digital: 9781803271750

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Upper Germanic Limes

Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Obergermanische Limes / Frontières de l´Empire Romain: Le limes de Germanie supérieure

By David J. Breeze, Andreas Thiel, Sarah Roth, Thomas Becker

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This book illustrates the historical and archaeological significance of the Upper Germanic Limes and provides an up-to-date overview of its manifold features in the field.



Foreword by Egon Schallmayer ;
Common cultural heritage of the Roman Empire ;
The Roman Empire ;
Frontiers and trade ;
The “Frontiers of the Roman Empire” World Heritage Site ;
History and extent of frontiers ;
Rome´s foreign policy ;
The location of frontiers ;
The army and frontiers ;
The purpose of frontiers ;
Soldiers and civilians ;
Military administration ;
Research on Roman frontiers ;
Inscriptions and documents ;
Survey and excavation ;
Aerial survey ;

Historical background ;
The extension of the Upper Germanic Limes ;
Military places ;
Life on the Limes ;
Significance of the Limes ;
History of research ;
Opportunity and obligation – preservation of historical Monuments and tourism ;
Where the Limes can be seen

About the Author

Professor David J. Breeze has published several books on Roman frontiers and the Roman army. He is a former chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies.

Andreas Thiel coordinated the application for inscription of the Upper Germanic-Raetian Limes on the World Heritage List 2005 and is co-chair of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies.

Sarah Roth works as inspector at the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Sites and is in charge of parts of the Upper Germanic Limes in Baden-Württemberg.

Thomas Becker was site manager for the Hessian part of the Upper Germanic-Raetian Limes World Heritage Site. Since 2016, he is head of the field office Darmstadt of the archaeological unit (hessenARCHÄOLOGIE) at the Hessian State Office for Monuments and Sites.