H 245 x W 174 mm
124 pages
26 figures, 4 tables (colour throughout)
Published Jul 2022
Paperback: 9781803271620
Digital: 9781803271637
Asasif; TT 414; priesthood of Khonsu; Karnak; situla; stela; coffin; canopic chest; inscribed mummy linens; ushebti; statues; Book of the Dead; Glorifications; Stundenwache; temple tomb
Related titles
This book identifies a key figure in the family that reused the Saite tomb of Ankh-Hor (TT 414) in the Asasif: Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu. Examining the funerary assemblage revealed not only details of Late Dynastic and Ptolemaic burial customs in Thebes but also additional information on the priesthood of Khonsu and of the sacred baboons in this era.
Preface ;
Acknowledgements ;
Prologue ;
Chapter 1: Introduction ;
Chapter 2: The case study of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137) ;
Chapter 3: Secondary sources related to the family of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108+G137) ;
Doc. 1 Striding statue of Hor presenting an offering table ;
Doc. 2 The situla of Hor ;
Doc. 3 The funerary stela of Nes-Khonsu ;
Doc. 4 The stela of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy II (London, BM, EA 8462) ;
Doc. 5 Fragments of the qrsw-coffin of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy II (London, British Museum, EA 6945, 6946) ;
Doc. 6 The wooden stela of Wesir-wer (Turin, Museo Egizio, P 3610) ;
Doc. 7 Striding statue of Djed-her (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37357) ;
Doc. 8 Funerary papyri of Djed-her ;
Doc. 9 The canopic chest of Djed-her (EA 8537) ;
Doc. 10 Book of the Dead papyrus (Turin, Museo Egizio di Torino, cat. no. 1830) ;
Doc. 11 Funerary papyri of Pa-kher-Khonsu ;
Doc. 12 Book of the Dead Papyrus of Pa-kher-Khonsu (Turin, Museo Egizio di Torino, cat. no. 1832) ;
Doc. 13 Cuboid statue of Pa-kher-Khonsu (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38592) ;
Doc. 14 Mummy bandages of Ta-sherit-Min (Paris, Louvre, AF 11954 (X. 25) +11956
(X. 24) + E 18865 + 27459) ;
Chapter 4: Primary sources for the family of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137) from TT 414 ;
Doc. 15 Coffin assemblage of Hor (Reg. Nos. 414b, 515, 790) ;
Doc. 16 Coffin set of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (Reg. Nos. 683 + 699) ;
Doc. 17 Inner anthropoid coffin of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy II (Reg. No. 672) ;
Doc. 18 Canopic chest (Reg. No. 556, now in Cairo Egyptian Museum) ;
Doc. 19 Ushebti figurines of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy II (Reg. Nos. 642 + 643) ;
Doc. 20 Outer anthropoid coffin of Djed-her (Reg. No. 767) ;
Doc. 21 Outer anthropoid coffin of Wesir-wer (Reg. No. 778) ;
Doc. 22 Mummy bandages of Ta-sherit-Min (Reg. No. 545) ;
Chapter 5: Summary and discussion ;
Bibliography ;