H 290 x W 205 mm
84 pages
46 figures, 12 tables
Published Dec 2021
Paperback: 9781789698800
Digital: 9781789698817
Chester; Excavations; Medieval; Post-Medieval
Related titles
By Leigh Dodd
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Bringing together results from archaeological investigations carried out in the suburbs to the north and east of the medieval and later City of Chester, significant stretches of the defensive ditch cut during the Civil War of the 17th century were excavated. The results bring into question the accepted lines of these massive defensive outworks.
Chapter 1: Introduction ;
Summary ;
The sites ;
Chapter 2: Tower Wharf and Taylor’s Boatyard 2007–2016 (Sites 1 and 2) ;
Introduction ;
Results ;
Natural deposits and features ;
Roman: c. late 1st to late 2nd centuries AD (Period 1) ;
Medieval: c. 12th to mid-15th centuries (Period 2) ;
Late medieval to early post-medieval: c. mid-15th to mid-17th centuries (Period 3) ;
Post-medieval: c. mid-17th to late 18th centuries (Period 4) ;
Industrial: late 18th to 19th centuries (Period 5) ;
Tower Wharf ;
Taylor’s Boatyard ;
Chapter 3: Sites off Trafford Street, Newtown 2015–2018 (Sites 3–6) ;
Introduction ;
Results: Former Newtown Bakery (Site 3) ;
Results: Oakbase House (Site 4) ;
Results: Land off Trafford Street (Site 5) ;
Results: Northgate Fire Station (Site 6) ;
Chapter 4: Witter Place, Seller Street 2002 (Site 7) ;
Introduction ;
Results ;
Natural deposits ;
Roman: c. early to mid-2nd century AD (Period 1) ;
Medieval to early post-medieval: c. 12th to mid-16th centuries (Period 2) ;
Post-medieval: c. mid- to late 17th century (Period 3) ;
Late post-medieval: 18th to early 19th century (Period 4) ;
The 19th century terraced housing B2, B3 and B4, and mill (B5) (Period 5) ;
Chapter 5: City Road 2007–2008 and 2018 (Sites 8 and 9) ;
Introduction ;
Results: 20 City Road (Site 8) ;
Natural deposits ;
Roman: c. late 1st to late 2nd centuries AD (Period 1) ;
Post-medieval: 18th century (Period 2) ;
Post-medieval: Later 18th to 19th century (Periods 3–7) ;
Results: City House (Site 9) ;
Mid-19th century cottages (B5) (Period 1) ;
Methodist chapel (B6) (Period 2) ;
Chapter 6: Discussion ;
Tower Wharf and Taylor’s Boatyard (Sites 1 and 2) ;
Trafford Street, Newtown (Sites 3 – 6) ;
Witter Place, Seller Street (Site 7) ;
City Road (Sites 8 and 9) ;