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H 290 x W 205 mm

144 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jan 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697292

Digital: 9781789697308

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Mobility; Trade; Exchange; Borders; Frontier; Iron Age

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In recent decades, the study of cultural interactions in the Iron Age has been considerably renewed thanks to the application of new methods and tools, opening the way to new research perspectives. Papers provide different examples from various contexts and regions while applying new methodologies to highlight the diversity of cultural transfers.



Mobility and Exchange across the Borders. Exploring social processes in Europe during the first Millennium BCE, theoretical and methodological approaches – Veronica Cicolani ;
For an archaeology of exchange networks: methodological approaches and application – Aurélia Feugnet, Clara Filet and Camille Gorin ;
Biological exchanges in protohistoric Gaul: the case of the princely grave of Lavau – Dominique Frère, Elisabeth Dodinet, Nicolas Garnier, Bastien Dubuis and Delphine Barbier-Pain ;
Interpréter les oscillations dans les pratiques funéraires : le genre comme outil d’analyse des évolutions des sociétés – Caroline Trémeaud ;
Metal vessels in Northern Gaul: acculturation or exoticism? – Quentin Sueur ;
Transferts matériels et immatériels au Ve siècle av. J.-C. : les agrafes de ceinture laténiennes en Italie du Nord-Ouest – Linda Papi ;
Un exemple de référentiel graphique de l’âge du Bronze à l’âge du Fer – Vincent Georges ;
Les dynamiques d’échanges sur les marges orientales du monde celtique Les dynamiques d’échanges sur les marges orientales du monde celtique : agglomérations et éléments exogènes aux IVe-IIIe siècles av. n. è. – Julie Clerc ;

About the Author

Veronica Cicolani is a permanent researcher at the CNRS French Institute, AOrOc UMR8546 CNRS-PSL and member of editorial team of Etudes Celtiques. Archaeologist specialist of European protohistory, and of the history of museum collections, her research focuses on technological and cultural interactions between the Italic and Celtic worlds and on Italic craft practices. Since 2005, she has been a scientific collaborator of the National Museum of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (MAN), where she also co-curated the Golasecca French exhibition (2009-2010). She has been involved in international research programmes on Celtic-Italic interactions (DFG Die sitzbanck of Hochdorf, ANR Caecina) and led a French-Italian research program on Ligurian bronze craft production (Labex Archimede 2015-2016). During the past few years, she has been exploring new inter-disciplinary approaches to the study of cultural and technological interactions between the Italic and Celtic worlds.