H 290 x W 205 mm
368 pages
95 figures, 36 plates
Published Feb 2020
Paperback: 9781789693331
Digital: 9781789693348
hypocephalus; terracotta dishes; hypocephalus biscuit; textile amulets; mummy boards; mummy masks; funerary equipment; Amon-theology; supplementary chapters of the Book of the Dead; Burial in Thebes; Abydos; Akhmim; Memphis; Prosopographia Ptolemaica
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The hypocephalus is an element of Late Period and Ptolemaic funerary equipment—an amuletic disc placed under the head of mummies. Its shape emulates the sun’s disc, and its form is planar (although it is occasionally concave). This volume analyses the written records and iconography of these objects.
‘Mekis deserves gratitude for an outstanding achievement in gathering and organizing a wealth of material that will make studying hypocephali much easier in the future. He has also put forward a coherent interpretation. Though other interpretations are possible and will doubtlessly be forthcoming, he has at least provided a target for others to tilt at. This work should be the new starting point for future study.’ – John Gee (2022): Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXIX 1/2