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H 297 x W 210 mm

280 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (66 plates in colour)

Published Feb 2019

Archaeopress Archaeology


Hardback: 9781789690439

Digital: 9781789690446

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Taymāʾ; Saudi Arabia; Arabian Peninsular; Red Sea; Oasis; Archaeology; Excavations

Taymā’: Multidisciplinary Series on the Results of the Saudi-German Archaeological Project 1

Taymā’ I: Archaeological Exploration, Palaeoenvironment, Cultural Contacts

Edited by Arnulf Hausleiter, Ricardo Eichmann, Muhammad al-Najem

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This is the first of a series of books reporting on a Saudi-German archaeological project at Taymā’; the current archaeological exploration of the oasis is contextualised with previous and ongoing research within the region, while offering a first overview of the settlement history of the site, possibly starting more than 6000 years ago.



Foreword – HRH Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Sa‘ud
Introduction – Ali bin Ibrahim al-Ghabban
Preface – Arnulf Hausleiter and Ricardo Eichmann

The Archaeological Exploration of the Oasis of Taymāʾ – Arnulf Hausleiter and Ricardo Eichmann

Palaeoenvironmental Changes at Taymā’ as Inferred from Sabkha Infill – Max Engel, Nicole Klasen, Andreas Ginau, Martin Patzke, Anna Pint, Peter Frenzel, and Helmut Brückner
Taymā’ Oasis (Saudi Arabia) and its Surroundings – a First Synthesis of the Flora, Vegetation, Natural Resources, and Floral History – Harald Kürschner and Reinder Neef
Early to Middle Holocene Vegetational Development, Climatic Conditions and Oasis Cultivation in Taymā’: First Results from Pollen Spectra out of a Sabkha – Michèle Dinies, Reinder Neef, and Harald Kürschner
The Water Management of Taymā’ and Other Ancient Oasis Settlements in the North-Western Arabian Peninsula – a Synthesis – Kai Wellbrock, Peter Voß, Benjamin Heemeier, Patrick Keilholz, Arno Patzelt, and Matthias Grottker

Ägypten und Arabien – Gunnar Sperveslage
Untersuchungen zu den ‘arabischen’ Toponymen und zur Rezeption der ‘Araber’ in den historischen Quellen der Assyrer – Ariel M. Bagg

About the Author

Arnulf Hausleiter is researcher at the DAI’s Orient Department for the Taymā’ project, funded by the German Research foundation (DFG). He has been field director of the excavations at Taymā’ since 2004 and has co-directed the project with Ricardo Eichmann.

Ricardo Eichmann is director of the Orient Department at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin. He is the head of the German component of the Taymā’ project and has co-directed it with Arnulf Hausleiter.

Muhammad al-Najem is head of the Antiquities Office of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) and director of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography at Taymā’, Province of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.


In sum, all scholars and students of Arabia’s past will want to acquire this volume. It represents a first, fundamental, and substantial stepping-stone towards a comprehensive understanding of the long history and development of the Taymā᾿ Oasis. - Lloyd Weeks (2021): Bibliotheca Orientalis