Keyword: Pola

From Mine to User: Production and Procurement Systems of Siliceous Rocks in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age

ed. Françoise Bostyn et al.

Presents papers from Parts 1 and 2 of Session XXXIII of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018). The first part, 'Siliceous rocks: procurement and distribution systems', looks at production systems and the diffusion of mining products, while the second, 'Flint mines and chipping floors...', focuses on knapping activities. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | Open Access

Hercules’ Sanctuary in the Quarter of St Theodore, Pula

Alka Starac

This book deals with many aspects of the Roman sanctuary erected at the spring in Pula, Croatia, as well as with objects of cult dated to the Hellenistic period. A hypothetical reconstruction of the Roman sanctuary is presented followed by calculations of construction costs. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ceramiche vicinorientali della Collezione Popolani

Stefano Anastasio et al.

This volume illustrates the Popolani Collection at the Archaeological Museum of Florence, consisting of ancient pottery vessels, terracotta oil-lamps, glazed Islamic tiles, Romano-Byzantine glassware, as well as various objects from the Damascene antique market. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00