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Keyword: North Africa

The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene

Luca Cherstich

This book analyzes ancient tombs in Eastern Libya, from the Archaic phase to Late Roman times. Despite plundering, these ornate structures reveal funerary competition, spatial organization, and lost rituals. The book reconstructs the social history of ancient Cyreneans through their ostentatious funerary culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues d’Afrique du Nord

ed. Djillali Hadjouis et al.

This volume traces the scientific work of some thirty prehistorians, geologists and paleontologists from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries in territories (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sahara) where prehistoric and protohistoric discoveries were numerous and fruitful. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

Du capsien chasseur au capsien pasteur

Lotfi Belhouchet

Studies on the Capsian culture have been considerably enriched in recent years, but have not yet been properly synthesised to establish the current state of research. This volume draws on recent fieldwork to put forward a model for neolithisation in the Eastern Maghreb. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | Open Access

Rougga I: Le forum et ses abords (fouilles 1971–1974)

ed. Maurice Euzennat et al.

Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Open Access

La séquence paléolithique de Karain E (Antalya, Turquie)

Marcel Otte et al.

The long Paleolithic sequence of Karain (Antalya, Turkey) began around 500,000 years ago and continued until the final Paleolithic around 10,000 BC. This volume presents all the cultural and technical variations during this immense period, situated in a context which joins Africa, Asia, and Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £16.00

Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Libya: Reports 2006-2008

Oliva Menozzi

This volume is dedicated to the Archaeological Mission in Cyrenaica, starting with the reports and researches of the seasons from 2006 to 2008. The emphasis of the publication is to present archaeological data to form part of an archive of finds, sites and monuments: a resource and reference point for archaeologists from Libya and elsewhere. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

L’artisanat dans les cites antiques de l’Algérie

Touatia Amraoui

This book is the first to examine the artisans of ancient North Africa as its core subject. Focusing on urban production in Algeria during Antiquity, this critical study brings together new documentation drawn up on the basis of field data and the consultation of archives from a long history of survey in Algeria and France. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

SOMA 2014. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

ed. Blazej Stanislawski et al.

Presents 22 papers from the 18th annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA), held in Wrocław-Poland, 24th to 26th April 2014. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Roman Frontier Studies 2009

ed. Nick Hodgson et al.

Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (LIMES XXI), hosted by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in August 2009. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The African Frontiers

David J. Breeze et al.

The Roman military remains in North Africa are remarkable in their variety and preservation. They include towers and forts, stretches of defensive lines of stone and earth with ditches broken by gates, and roads, sitting amidst amazing scenery. Readers of this book will enjoy learning more about North Africa’s remarkable Roman inheritance. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access