Piero Berni Millet

PIERO BERNI MILET has a doctorate from the University of Barcelona. He is linked to the research unit of the LabEx Archimède of the University of Montpellier. His research areas are social and economic studies in classical antiquity using the so-called Instrumentum Domesticum Inscriptum as the preferred tool. He has published many articles and books mainly focussing on aspects of the ownership systems and land exploitation patterns; production and consumption of food; economic interdependence between producer territories and consumer markets; and social promotion of individuals and families by trading within the Roman social structure. He has worked in many different projects in Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Croatia, as part of different teams and collaborating with different research institutions.


Roman Amphorae in Neuss: Augustan to Julio-Claudian Contexts

ed. Piero Berni Millet

The occupation of the territories on both sides of the Rhine was an enormous logistical challenge for the Roman military administration. This book provides an in-depth study of the amphorae from Neuss, providing further understanding of the local area and the logistics of the Roman army and its supply from very distant areas. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00