Matthew G. Knight
Matthew G. Knight is the curator of the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age collections at National Museums Scotland and Chair of the Later Prehistoric Finds Group. He specialises in the production, use and deposition of Bronze Age metalwork and completed his PhD on the deliberate destruction of metalwork in south-west England in 2018. He continues to be fascinated by destructive practices across Europe and is currently preparing a monograph on the subject. Matt’s MA thesis concerned out-of-time Bronze Age metalwork and he is frequently distracted by the relationship people in the past held with their own pasts and their treatment of already old material culture in the Bronze Age, or indeed any other time period.
Objects of the Past in the Past: Investigating the Significance of Earlier Artefacts in Later Contexts
ed. Matthew G. Knight
How did past communities view, understand and communicate their pasts? And how can we, as archaeologists, understand this? This volume brings together a range of case studies in which objects of the past were encountered and reappropriated. READ MORE
Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00