Massimo Frasca

Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology, University of Catania

Massimo Frasca is Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology and Director of the School of Specialisation in Archaeology at the University of Catania. He has directed excavations in Sicily and southern Italy and was a member of the Italian archaeological missions of Prinias (Greece) and Iasos and Kyme Eolica (Turkey). He is the author of numerous scientific publications and monographs. His main research topics concern the Greek colonies of Sicily and their relations with the indigenous peoples and the handicraft production of Kyme Eolica and other cities of Asia Minor. He is currently the director of the University of Catania’s journal Cronache di Archeologia.


Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell’altopiano ibleo. Volume 2

ed. Massimo Frasca

The second Hyblaea highlights interesting new elements on different themes relating to the archaeology and ancient topography of the southern cusp of Sicily, with reference to a broad chronological span that reaches from prehistory to the end of the Iron Age and the first phases of Greek penetration. READ MORE

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