Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers

Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers, BA and MA Utrecht, PhD Leiden is retired Full Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Trento, where she founded the Laboratorio di Archeologia e Scienze Affini. She has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Ostia, Pompeii, Solunto, Piazza Armerina, Rome, Tivoli, Isera, Tunisia, Algeria and Turkey. Her research focuses on domestic architecture, Roman wall painting, rural archaeology in Tunisia, Algeria and Cilicia. She is author of 184 scientific publications.


La Villa imperiale di Punta Eolo: Rivestimenti pavimentali e parietali del settore residenziale

Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers

The Roman villa of Punta Eolo is a large ‘pavilion villa’ on the northern promontory of the island of Ventotene. A large number of fragmentary frescoes, stuccoes, pavement revetments and Campana reliefs were brought to light in the residential area of the Villa during the archaeological excavations by G.M. De Rossi in the years 1990-2005. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Rus Africum IV: La fattoria Bizantina di Aïn Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia)

ed. Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers

Aïn Wassel is the only rural site of Africa Proconsularis which has been excavated using the stratigraphic method and the detailed results are published in this volume thanks to an archaeological field survey of the surrounding rural region. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00