Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz

Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz graduated in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Sydney where she completed her postgraduate thesis on Cypriot ceramics. She began excavating in Jordan with the University of Sydney in 1975, followed by several international and long-term archaeological projects at Jarash and other Decapolis cities in Jordan. She became Hon. Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, and was made Hon. Lecturer at ANU/Canberra in 2019 where she offers Masterclasses in the study of ceramics and other artefacts.


The Hippodrome of Gerasa

Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz

This book presents the study of Roman circuses and the complex fieldwork for the restoration of the Jarash Hippodrome, a work in progress abruptly ended by the untimely death of Antoni A. Ostrasz in 1996. It aims to provide researchers as well as restorers of ancient monuments with unparalleled insights of architectural studies for anastyloses. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00