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H 290 x W 205 mm

504 pages

261 figures (77 plates in colour)

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784918132

Digital: 9781784918149

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The Hippodrome of Gerasa

A Provincial Roman Circus

By Antoni A. Ostrasz†

Contributions by Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz

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This book presents the study of Roman circuses and the complex fieldwork for the restoration of the Jarash Hippodrome, a work in progress abruptly ended by the untimely death of Antoni A. Ostrasz in 1996. It aims to provide researchers as well as restorers of ancient monuments with unparalleled insights of architectural studies for anastyloses.



List of Figures ;
Foreword and acknowledgements ;

The Hippodrome of Gerasa. A Provincial Roman CircusAntoni A. Ostrasz (1929-1996) ;
Introduction ;
Chapter I: History of exploration, excavation and research ;
Chapter II: The Excavation 1985-1996 ;
Chapter III: The Architecture of the Hippodrome ;
[Chapter IV-V unwritten at time of author’s death] ;
Chapter VI: History of the building ;
Chapter VII: The Hippodrome of Gerasa and Roman circuses ;
Bibliography and Abbreviations ;

Compendium A: Published articles and unpublished reports by Antoni A. Ostrasz 1983 to 1995 ;
Published articles ;
The Hippodrome of Gerasa: A report on excavations and research 1982-1987 ;
Jerash – The Hippodrome ;
The Excavation and Restoration of the Hippodrome at Jerash.: A synopsis ;
Gerasa. Hippodrome Report ;
Jerash/Gerasa: Hippodrome. Report on the anastylosis of the E-S tower ;
The Hippodrome of Gerasa: A case of the dichotomy of art and building technology ;
Unublished articles ;
Figures 1-145. The original manuscript and Compendium A ;

Compendium B: The Hippoodrome of Gerasa. Archaeological materials and their contexts ;
Published Articles ;
A History of Occupational Changes at the Site of the Hippodrome of Gerasa ;
Published articles by Ina Kehrberg[-Ostrasz] ;
Selected Lamps and Pottery from the Hippodrome at Jerash ;
Flaked Glass and Pottery Sherd Tools of the Late Roman and Byzantine Periods ;
Sherd Tools and their Association with Workshops at the Gerasa Hippodrome ;
Ceramic Lamp Production in the 4th and 5th Centuries AD ;
Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery of Gerasa ;
Gerasa as Provider for Roman Frontier Stations ;
Figurative adornment of Roman circuses: virtual presentation of the starting gate herms ;
Byzantine ceramic productions ;
The complexity of lamps ;
Pp. 411-430 in SHAJ 12, 2016 figs 1-10 (Figures 195-205) ;
Pottery and lamps from the foundation trenches and wall constructions ;
Figures 146-261. Compendium B ;
Bibliography and Abbreviations

About the Author

Antoni Adam Ostrasz M.Eng PhD (Warsaw 1958, 1967) began his overseas work as research architect with the Polish Archaeological Centre in Cairo from 1961-1966 before joining expeditions to Alexandria, Palmyra and Nea Paphos. He was commissioned by the Syrian Authorities at Palmyra to prepare the restorations of several monuments, recently destroyed. He continued his architectural studies at Fustat and later joined the ‘Jarash Archaeological Project’ where he studied and restored the Umayyad House and the Church of Bishop Marianos. In 1984, the Dept of Antiquities appointed him as permanent director for the restoration project of the Hippodrome at Jarash. ;

Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz graduated in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Sydney where she completed her postgraduate thesis on Cypriot ceramics. She began excavating in Jordan with the University of Sydney in 1975, followed by several international and long-term archaeological projects at Jarash and other Decapolis cities in Jordan. She became Hon. Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, and was made Hon. Lecturer at ANU/Canberra in 2019 where she offers Masterclasses in the study of ceramics and other artefacts.