Gary M. Feinman is the MacArthur Curator of Anthropology at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL, USA. His research interests include the archaeology of urban societies, preindustrial economics, comparative governance, social networks, and inequality. He has co-directed archaeological field projects for decades in both Oaxaca, Mexico and Shandong, China. His publications include: Images of the Past, 9th edition (2023), (authored with T. Douglas Price), Archaeological Perspectives on Political Economies (2004), (edited with Linda M. Nicholas), Ancient Oaxaca, 2nd edition (2022), (authored with Richard E. Blanton, Stephen A. Kowalewski, and Linda M. Nicholas), and Archaic States (1998), (edited with Joyce Marcus).
ed. Gary M. Feinman
This volume draws attention to recent obsidian studies in the Americas and acts as a reference for archaeologists and scholars interested in material culture and exchange. Moreover, it provides a wide range of case studies in obsidian characterization, material application, and theoretical interpretations in the Americas. READ MORE
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