Francis M. Morris

Archaeological Research Services

Francis M. Morris has a particular interest in the late Iron Age, Roman, and early Anglo-Saxon periods in Britain and in contemporary connections between Britain and continental Europe at that time. He took a DPhil in Archaeology at the University of Oxford in 2010 and subsequently worked at the Oxford Celtic Coin Index and on the publication of the Biddles’ excavations at the chapter house of St Albans Abbey (forthcoming). Since 2012 Francis has contributed to the publication of books in the Winchester Studies series, especially WS 3.i (this book), WS 4.i The Anglo-Saxon Minsters of Winchester (forthcoming), and WS 11 The British Historic Towns Atlas of Winchester.


Archaeological Excavations at Holme Hall Quarry, South Yorkshire

Francis M. Morris

This volume documents the results from large-scale archaeological investigations at Holme Hall Quarry on the Magnesian Limestone ridge, South Yorkshire. The main occupation of the site occurred during the Roman period when two rural farmsteads were constructed and a field system with associated droveways and enclosures imposed across the landscape. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

St Albans Abbey: The Excavation of the Chapter House 1978

ed. Francis M. Morris

Excavations at the site of the medieval chapter house of St Albans Abbey in 1978 uncovered fragments of decorated floor tiles of the Anglo-Saxon abbey and associated burials, along with the magnificent floor of relief-decorated tiles of the medieval chapter house, and the graves of 16 known figures of the late 11th-to 15th-century abbey. READ MORE

Hardback: £110.00 | Open Access

Venta Belgarum: Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Winchester

Francis M. Morris

This is a detailed study of the archaeology of Roman Winchester—Venta Belgarum, a major town in the south of the province of Britannia— and its development from the regional (civitas) capital of the Iron Age people, the Belgae, who inhabited much of what is now central and southern Hampshire.


Hardback: £240.00 | eBook: £16.00