Dominique Henry-Gambier

Dominique Henry-Gambier is an anthropologist at the University of Bordeaux (France) and a member of the research unit ‘De la Préhistoire à l’Actuel : Culture, Environnement, Anthropologie’ (PACEA, UMR 5199 of the CNRS).


Les restes humains badegouliens de la Grotte du Placard

Dominique Henry-Gambier

This book presents a detailed study of the Badegoulian human remains from Placard, a major Upper Palaeolithic site in France. Despite the antiquity of the discovery, the remains still constitute a unique assemblage that contributes greatly to our knowledge of the behaviours of hunter-gatherer populations in European prehistory. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00