David Sneddon

David Sneddon has 20 years professional experience in archaeology, the last eight years of which were with Northlight Heritage where he was Project Manager. He recently co-founded Clyde Archaeology who provide archaeological and heritage services across the UK. A graduate of Glasgow University he has a wide range of archaeological skills, principally in fieldwork, gained both in the UK and abroad, and a particular interest in field practice as applied to Scottish rural sites.


Early Medieval Settlement in Upland Perthshire: Excavations at Lair, Glen Shee 2012-17

David Sneddon

Excavation of seven turf buildings at Lair in Glen Shee confirms the introduction of Pitcarmick buildings to the hills of north-east Perth and Kinross in the early 7th century AD. Clusters of these at Lair, and elsewhere in the hills, are interpreted as integrated, spatially organised farm complexes comprising byre-houses and outbuildings. READ MORE

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