Claudia Wagner

Claudia Wagner is Director of the gems databases at the Beazley Archive in the University of Oxford and Senior Research Lecturer at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. She is joint author, with John Boardman, of seven books devoted to the study and publication of ancient gems, including The Guy Ladrière Collection of Gems and Rings (2015) and The Beverley Collection of Gems at Alnwick Castle (2016), both written with Diana Scarisbrick.


Natter’s Museum Britannicum: British gem collections and collectors of the mid-eighteenth century

Claudia Wagner

This book presents the first comprehensive publication of Lorenz Natter’s (1705- 1763) Museum Britannicum, offering full discussion in English and presenting Natter’s drawings and comments alongside modern information on the ancient and later engraved gems that can be identified and located through fresh research. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00