Christophe Nicolle

CHRISTOPHE NICOLLE is an archaeologist specialist of pre-classical Middle East archaeology, working in different regions (Northern Mesopotamia, Northern Levant, South Levant), participating or directing several excavations or surveys over periods ranging mainly from the Chalcolithic to the Late Bronze Age. Former member of the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO), researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), he works actually in a team of the Collège de France (Paris).


Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies: N°1 – 2018

ed. Christophe Nicolle

The first volume of the series EMMS, ‘Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies’ presents a collection of articles, communications and preliminary reports representing the advancement, in recent years, of human sciences - archaeological, historical, philological and cultural researches –concerning ancient Mesopotamia area studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | eBook: £16.00