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H 290 x W 205 mm

342 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Aug 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784919412

Digital: 9781784919429

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Mesopotamia; archaeology; history; philology; cultural studies; Kurdistan; Middle East

Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies 1

Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies: N°1 – 2018

Edited by Vincent Déroche, Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault, Christophe Nicolle

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The first volume of the series EMMS, ‘Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies’ presents a collection of articles, communications and preliminary reports representing the advancement, in recent years, of human sciences - archaeological, historical, philological and cultural researches –concerning ancient Mesopotamia area studies.



Avant-propos – by Le comité éditorial / The editorial board; A- Publication du Colloque Archéologie et Histoire des empires : modèles, projets et travaux en cours en Mésopotamie du Nord. Nouveaux programmes au Kurdistan d’Irak; Présentation et programme du Colloque international – by Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault; New Perspectives in Archaeology in Iraqi Kurdistan – by Abubakir O. Zainadin (Mala Awat); Heritage conservation and traditional houses: problems and solutions – by Nader Babakr Mohammed; Welcoming Archaeological Projects in Iraqi Kurdistan: The Kurdish Point of View – by Gouhar Shemdin; Sulaymaniyah Museum and its History – by Hashim Hama Abdullah; Rethinking Assyrian History: New Archaeological Research at Qasr Shemamok, Iraqi Kurdistan (2011-2013) – by Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault; Quelques réflexions autour des fouilles à Kilizu, aujourd’hui Qasr Shemamok (Erbil, Kurdistan d’Iraq) : ville et territoire – by Pedro Azara, Joan Borrell, Marc Marín et Eric Rusiñol; The Ancient History of the City of Erbil ab urbe condita to the coming of Alexander – by John MacGinnis; An Ubaid Kiln at Tell Nader (Kurdistan Region in Iraq) – by Konstantinos Kopanias; Rapport préliminaire sur la première campagne de fouilles à Kunara (Mission Archéologique du Peramagron 2012) niveaux fin Bronze Ancien, début Bronze Moyen. – by Christine Kepinski; Prospection dans la haute vallée du Tanjaro (Mission archéologique du Peramagron 2011) – by Aline Tenu; Les voies de communication dans le pays assyrien l’exemple de la plaine sud d’Erbil (Kurdistan irakien) – by Lionel Marti et Christophe Nicolle; La cité sainte de Muṣaṣir dans les sources écrites – by Mirjo Salvini; Les décors des croix portatives de Bazyan – by Narmen Ali Muhamad Amen et Alain Desreumaux; Une inscription hébraïque médiévale découverte dans le Bet Garmaï (Kurdistan d’Irak) – by Alain J. Desreumaux; Tell Feres, a failed pathway towards urbanism in Northern Mesopotamia – by Régis Vallet; B- Varia; Étude numismatique de deux Fals nohasi atabékides de Tell Kilik Mishik, à Erbil – by Narmen Ali Muhamad Amen; Urbilum/Erbil and the Northern Frontier of the Ur III State – by Piotr Michalowski; The Hinterland of the Arbīl City: A Survey of Tell Baxçan, Iraqi Kurdistan – by Karel Nováček, Stefano Valentini, Petr Šída and Narmen Ali Muhamad Amen; Qasr Shemamok-Kilizu (Kurdistan d’Irak), les campagnes de 2011 (9 avril-15 mai et 16 octobre-5 novembre) – by Olivier Rouault, Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault, Ilaria Calini, John MacGinnis, Jason Ur et Quentin Vitale; The Archaeological Character of an Imperial Frontier: Assyrian Control Policy in the Hula Valley – by Yifat Thareani; Compte-rendu de Konstantinos Kopanias and John MacGinnis (eds) 2016, The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions – by Catherine Breniquet

About the Author

VINCENT DÉROCHE is a former alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure, former member of the École française d’Archéologie d’Athènes, researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), currently Directeur de recherche, Directeur adjoint or the UMR 8167, « Orient & Méditerranée », for the part « Monde byzantin ». Elected to the chair of « Littérature byzantine » at Sorbonne Université, and to the chair « Christianisme byzantin » at the École pratique des Hautes Études (Paris). | MARIA GRAZIA MASETTI-ROUAULT, a specialist of Late Bronze - Iron Age Mesopotamian cultures, is Directeur d’études (Professor) in the École Pratique des Hautes Études PSL, Sorbonne University in Paris, where she helds the Chair of « Religions of the Syro- Mesopotamian societies: Archaeology and History ». Since 2005, she is co-director of the Syro-French Archaeological Mission in Tell Masaikh and its region (Syrian Lower Middle Euphrates area) and, since 2015, she is also Director of the French Archaeological Mission in Qasr Shemamok (Iraqi Kurdistan). | CHRISTOPHE NICOLLE is an archaeologist specialist of pre-classical Middle East archaeology, working in different regions (Northern Mesopotamia, Northern Levant, South Levant), participating or directing several excavations or surveys over periods ranging mainly from the Chalcolithic to the Late Bronze Age. Former member of the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO), researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), he works actually in a team of the Collège de France (Paris).