Alessandro Luciano

Alessandro Luciano works at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and has a PhD in the Science of Antiquity. His main scientific interests lie in the transition between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. He has published dozens of articles in specialist and popular journals and presented the results of his research at national and international conferences. He has published several books, including further academic studies alongside works of historical fiction.


Santuari e spazi confessionali nell’Italia tardoantica

Alessandro Luciano

The cult of relics led to the transformation of the Late Antique Italian landscape, and of suburban areas in particular. Analysing hypogeal and subdial contexts, this book outlines the evolution of loca sancta, in a process that led the venerated tombs to become first memoriae, then places of worship and finally articulated sanctuaries. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Porti e approdi fluviali in Italia peninsulare: dall’età romana all’anno mille

Alessandro Luciano

This book analyses the Roman and early medieval ports of Italy and the building techniques used in their structures; it displays the elements of continuity and discontinuity revealed during these centuries. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00