H 297 x W 210 mm
583 pages
Illustrated throughout in colour & black and white
Published Jun 2014
Paperback: 9781905739868
Digital: 9781905739899
Includes PDF
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This book analyses Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I domestic architecture with reference to social organization and social change. The study covers domestic architecture from the southern and central Greek mainland up to southern Thessaly.
Introduction ;
Chapter 1 History of research ;
Chapter 2 Theory and Methodology ;
Chapter 3 EH III–LH I domestic architecture on the Greek Mainland ;
Chapter 4 Architectural patterns and developments during EH III, MH and LH I ;
Chapter 5 Discussion ;
5.4 Domestic architecture: the household perspective ;
Chapter 6 Conclusions EH III–LH I architectural and social change ;
Introduction to the catalogues ;
Catalogue A Thessaly ;
Catalogue B Phocis and Phthiotis ;
Catalogue C Boeotia ;
Catalogue D Euboea ;
Catalogue E Attica ;
Catalogue F Corinthia ;
Catalogue G Argolid ;
Catalogue H Laconia ;
Catalogue J Messenia ;
Catalogue K Elis ;
Catalogue L Arcadia ;
Catalogue M Achaia ;
Lerna addendum ;