Elmali-Karatas V: The Early Bronze Age Pottery of Karatas
Habitation Deposits
By Christine Eslick
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This volume presents the results of the Bryn Mawr College excavations of the Early Bronze Age site of Karatas in the plain of Elmali in northern Lycia. It is a final report of the pottery, except for miniature vessels. The occupation at Karatas, has been divided into six main periods (IVI) on the basis of stratigraphy of the Central Mound.
This volume presents the results of the Bryn Mawr College excavations of the Early Bronze Age site of Karatas in the plain of Elmali in northern Lycia. It is a final report of the pottery, except for miniature vessels. The occupation at Karataş has been divided into six main periods (I–VI) on the basis of stratigraphy of the Central Mound. Periods I–III date to EB I, Periods IV and V to EB II, and Period VI to EB III. The pottery showed continuous development during the entire span of settlement, mainly in the addition of new features to a basically conservative repertoire.