H 290 x W 205 mm
318 pages
357 figures, 75 tables (colour throughout)
Published Oct 2023
Paperback: 9781803276069
Digital: 9781803276076
Northamptonshire; Bronze Age; Roman; Anglo-Saxon; MOLA; Excavations
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By Stephen Morris, Simon Markus, Jim Brown
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This volume reports the results of intermittent archaeological mitigation works for the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire, undertaken by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) between June 2012 to October 2013. Evidence was uncovered relating to Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Project background
Location, topography and geology
Historical and archaeological background
Chapter 2: The archaeological evidence
Period 1: Early Bronze Age (2500BC to 1500BC)
Period 2: Middle Bronze Age (1500BC to 1100BC)
Period 3: Late Bronze Age (1100BC to 800BC)
Period 4: Early Iron Age (800BC-400BC)
Period 5: Middle Iron Age (400BC to 100BC) and late Iron Age (1st century BC to mid-1st century AD)
Period 6: Late Iron Age to early Roman (100BC to AD150)
Period 7: Early to middle Saxon (AD450 to AD850)
Period 8: Medieval to post-medieval
Chapter 3: Finds
Worked Flint by Yvonne Wolframm-Murray
The Bronze Age pottery by Andy Chapman
Middle and late Iron Age pottery by Andy Chapman and Adam Sutton
Later Iron Age and Roman pottery by J R Timby and Adam Sutton
Saxon and later pottery by Paul Blinkhorn
Daub and fired Clay by Pat Chapman
Loomweights by Pat Chapman
Kiln bars by Pat Chapman
Roman tile by Pat Chapman
Medieval and post medieval tile and brick by Rob Atkins and Pat Chapman
Metal and ceramic small finds by Tora Hylton
Vessel glass by Claire Finn
Worked bone and antler by Ian Riddler
Querns and grinding stones by Andy Chapman
Waterlogged wood by Damian Goodburn
Metalworking debris by Andy Chapman
Archaeometallurgical residues by Tim Young
Chapter 4: Human remains by Chris Chinnock and Don Walker
Chapter 5: The faunal and environmental evidence
Animal bone by Matilda Holmes and Rebecca Gordon
Environmental remains by Val Fryer
Analysis of the charcoal wood samples by Imogen Poole
Analysis of the furnace charcoal by Dana Challinor
Chapter 6: Discussion
Period 1: Early-middle Bronze Age
Period 2: Late Bronze Age (1100BC to 800BC)
Period 3: Middle-late Iron Age (400BC to 100BC)
Period 4: Late Iron Age to early Roman (100BC to AD150)
Period 5: Early-middle Saxon (AD450 to AD850)
Period 6: Medieval to post-medieval land use
‘The report includes a detailed discussion of the evidence from all periods, placing it in the context of discoveries elsewhere in Northamptonshire and its wider region, many of them from recent excavations, which forms a useful introduction for those unfamiliar with the material.’ – Mike Shaw (2024): Current Archaeology Issue 411