H 290 x W 205 mm
218 pages
135 figures, 11 tables (colour throughout)
Published Oct 2023
Paperback: 9781803276045
Digital: 9781803276052
Gabii; Central Italy; Ceramics; Bucchero; Impasto; Terra Sigillata; Black Gloss; Numismatics; Small Finds; Artefact Life History; Loom Weights; Roman Imperial Sculpture; Anatomical Votives; Terracotta Revetment
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Edited by Laura M. Banducci, Mattia D’Acri
This book brings together 15 papers on objects from the excavations of the town of Gabii undertaken since 2007. Objects ranging from the pre-Roman to Imperial periods are examined using a mix of approaches, making an effort to be sensitive to excavation context and formation processes.
Prefazione al volume
Tales from Gabii. Studies on material culture and beyond – Laura M. Banducci and Mattia D’Acri
The Gabii Project
Introduction to the “Gabii Project” (2007-2022) – Laura M. Banducci
Notes on the Opaque Red Ware at Gabii – Mattia D’Acri
Loom Weights as Evidence for Textile Production at Ancient Gabii – Christina Cha
Trends in Fine Ware Consumption across Republican and Imperial Gabii – Matt Harder
The Distribution of Coins at Gabii: Areas A through F – Shannon Ness and Elizabeth C. Robinson
Reimagining Female Property Ownership in the Later Empire: a case study of a Roman Ring Key at Gabii – Brittany Proffitt
Hamilton’s Forum: A New Center for a Shifting City – Zoe Ortiz
Équipe du Louvre
Les fouilles du musée du Louvre dans le centre urbain de Gabies – Steve Glisoni
Terracotta Artefacts from the Temple of Juno Gabina – Recent Findings – Isabelle Hasselin Rous
Reconstruction and Contextualization of the Julio-Claudian Group from the Borghese Excavations at Gabii – Marjolaine Benaich and Martin Szewczyk
Progetto “Tor Vergata”- Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma (2007-2012)
Premessa: I materiali rinvenuti a Gabii tra il 2007-2012. Analisi di alcune classi di reperti, attualmente in fase di studio – Marco Fabbri
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: la ceramica di impasto – Paola Ghigliordini
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: la ceramica di impasto rosso – Rocco Bochicchio
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: il bucchero – Laura Protani
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: i materiali fittili da uno scarico votivo sull’arx e dal santuario orientale – Valeria Ducatelli
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: le anfore – Rocco Bochicchio and Pamela Manzo
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2011-2012: i bolli laterizi – Fabrizio A. Terrizzi
Gabii, campagne di scavo 2007-2012: i reperti numismatici – Fabrizio A. Terrizzi
Laura M. Banducci is Associate Professor of Greek and Roman Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She is the author of several books and articles on ceramics and other artefacts with a particular focus on function and use. She has been the Director of the Finds Laboratory for the Gabii Project since 2015. Her current research projects include examining the phenomenon of ceramic repair in the Roman world and using petrology to consider wattle and daub construction techniques at Gabii.
Mattia D’Acri is a PhD candidate in the Classical Archaeology program at the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA). His main interest is the study of ceramics, with a particular focus on the protohistoric and archaic periods in central-southern Italy. He has conducted fieldwork in various parts of Rome, Gabii, Pompeii, Francavilla Marittima, and many other sites and has published on aspects of the ceramic assemblages recovered from these sites.