H 290 x W 205 mm
278 pages
147 figures, 10 tables (colour throughout)
Published Mar 2023
Paperback: 9781803273280
Digital: 9781803273297
Ceramics; Pottery; Aegean; Neolithic; Helladic; Cycladic; Minoan; Mycenaean; Identity; Manufacture; Economy; Cult
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Edited by David Michael Smith, William G. Cavanagh, Angelos Papadopoulos
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This volume explores the myriad ways in which pottery was created, utilized, and experienced in the prehistoric Aegean, across a period of more than 4000 years between the Middle Neolithic and the Early Iron Age transition.
Preface ;
Professor Christopher Mee (1950-2013) ;
The Late-Final Neolithic and Early Helladic I Pottery from Midea in the Argolid: Continuity and Change – Eva Alram-Stern, Clare Burke, Katie Demakopoulou, and Peter M. Day ;
Kouphovouno and the Cyclades: A Note – Robin Barber ;
A Submerged EH II Settlement at Lambayanna in the Argolid: The Preliminary Results of the 2015 Survey – Julien Beck, Patrizia Birchler Emery, Despina Koutsoumba ;
Tradition, Transition, and the Impact of the New in Neolithic Greece – William Cavanagh and Josette Renard ;
Final Neolithic and Early Helladic Pottery from Geraki – Joost Crouwel ;
Understanding Mycenae – E.B. French † ;
Localism and Interconnectivity in a Post-Palatial Laconian Maritime Landscape (Late Helladic IIIC to Submycenaean/Early Protogeometric) – Chrysanthi Gallou, Jon Henderson, Elias Spondylis, William Cavanagh ;
Similarities and Differences between Korakou and Kolonna in the Early and Middle Bronze Ages – Walter Gauss ;
The Ceramic Assemblage of Leska on Kythera – Mercourios Georgiadis ;
Regional Diversities or Occupational Gap? Pottery Styles During the Late 14th and 13th Centuries BC at Ayios Vasileios – Eleftheria Kardamaki, Vasco Hachtmann, Adamantia Vasilogamvrou, Nektarios Karadimas, Sofia Voutsaki ;
The Expansion of Mortuary Behaviour and Rites Across the Coastal Caves of the Mani Peninsula, Laconia, during the Final Neolithic: Evidence from the Burial Sites of Skoini 3 and Skoini 4 – Stella Katsarou and Andreas Darlas ;
Attica during the Final Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age: Regional Ceramic Traditions and Connections with Neighbouring Areas – Margarita Nazou ;
The Study of Mycenaean Pottery from Cyprus: A Short Story of the 1895 British Museum Excavations at Site D, Kourion – Angelos Papadopoulos ;
Filling a Gap: First Steps in the Discovery of Early Helladic III Laconia – Aris Papayiannis ;
Ceramic Surprises from LH IIIC Aigeira – Jeremy Rutter ;
Coarse Labours Long Continued: Cooking Vessels, Culinary Technology and Prehistoric Foodways at Phylakopi, Melos – David Michael Smith ;
Ritual Pyres in Minoan Peak Sanctuaries. Reality and Popular Myths – Iphigeneia Tournavitou
'[A] varied collection of papers covering interesting material and offering valuable insights on many topics.' – Oliver Dickinson (2024): Journal of Greek Archaeology